So you want to be a part of the Mustang Family?

After you have:

Considered the needs and wants around:

  • Strengths and Interests of the student.

  • School's atmosphere and connection potential (Staff, complimentary programming, Extra Curricular)

  • Programming

  • Transportation

  • Childcare

  • etc.

Visited McKernan's Open house and made your decision:

And made your decision...

Then you are ready to Register/Enrol

Does the student that you are attempting to register/enrol currently attend an Edmonton Public School?



Parents will log into

Deadine for selecting a school in SchoolZone is April 15 at 4 pm. This is the only way to ensure that you are included in a random selection for applicable programs.

Parents will submit EPSB's Online Registration Form

Deadine for submitting the application is April 15 at 4 pm. This is the only way to ensure that you are included in a random selection for applicable programs.

A reminder that you will need to identify the specific program that you would like the student to be considered for.

It is important to Remember that Alternative Programs do not have guaranteed access.

Once you have Pre-Enrolled on SchoolZone or Submitted your Registration Package your next steps are determined by the program that you have chosen:

Select the program below for more information about your next steps.