Grade 7 to Grade 9 International Spanish Academy

If the student is continuing within the program from Escuela Mill Creek or Escuela Sweet Grass they are guaranteed access to the grade 7-9 program at McKernan School. As such, there is no further information necessary. These students will be contacted through their elementary school with the next steps after Pre-Enrollment is complete on April 15th.

For those students seeking entry into McKernan's International Spanish Academy from outside of Edmonton Public Schools, it is importnat to note that this program is highly sought after and often over subscribed (meaning that we have more registrations than our school can accommodate. As such, we recommend that all families, who do not attend one of the above named schools, and is seeking access at any grade, review information regarding the Random Selection Process.

Those seeking entry in grades 7 through 9 will need to prove language proficiency. School staff will work with families to determine whether the International Spanish Academy is the best fit for the student's success.