How to get the most out of your Virtual Open House Experience

We have designed an Open House experience that we hope will ensure that you have the opportunity to:

  • Access the information that you need both on the night of the Open House and beyond.

  • Engage with some of the wonderful McKernan staff and have any questions, that you might have about our school, programs or anything else related to the K-9 experience, answered.

  • Be exposed to some of the sights, sounds and feel of what it means to be a part of the McKernan Mustang Family.

Within the site, you will find the information organized in the following elements:


You will find a number of presentations and videos outlining information about McKernan in general as well as specific programs. These will be available on the night of Open House and will continue to be available through the registration and enrolment season. Feel free to return to the information multiple times and again in the future as needed.

We recommend that you engage with these prior to entering into the Q&A Virtual Rooms.

Question & Answer Rooms

We have setup a number of different virtual "Rooms" where you will be able to engage with McKernan staff and have your specific questions answered. Please note the following:

  • Depending on the size of the group that is in the room at any given time, the host may choose turn off the ability for attendees to ask questions verbally. In these cases those who have questions may submit them through the Q&A function.

  • These rooms are intended to be an informal conversation and Q&A. There will not necessarily be a specific "presentation" provided as the information will be given through videos or other materials.

  • Should you have a question pertaining to a specific student's status or situation we recommend, for yours and their privacy, that you call the school during regular hours or email (780-435-4163, and a staff member can address your specific inquiry.


We hope that we have provided information and visuals that communicate what a wonderful place McKernan School is. This year has been a challenge for everyone, and we know that selecting a school and program is tough enough as it is, but is an even greater challenge not being able to step foot in the building.

We would normally advise that you put a great deal of emphasis on the place that you feel at home when you step inside and engage with the staff and students.

Please do not hesitate to reach out after March 10th with any further questions or to request any further information.