September News

A new way to fulfill the CAS requirement? 🤯


A 13-week online experience starting on September 20th. It tests the creativity, collaboration, and communication of students who compete to solve a Unilever client briefing. Participation in the HFLC is entirely free, and all that is required is a team of four to six students and a teacher or advisor. Hult University professors will coach students online during one-hour weekly masterclasses outside of class hours.

What will students learn?

Fundamentals of Business. Deepen business knowledge through live and online master classes and weekly workshops focused on marketing and entrepreneurship.

Client Consulting

Present your ideas and gain experience working with Unilever. Semi-finalists participate in exclusive industry webinars. Finalists present their ideas to senior Unilever executives.

Presentation Skills

Put theory into practice. Learn to tell compelling stories that communicate ideas and inspire others. Semi-finalists present their proposals online, live, to a jury.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Learn to leverage your individual strengths and apply them as a team to achieve a collective goal - a key skill for any career.

10 students outshine expectations, securing 12 prestigious scholarships 🎊

Admission 2023 Top Universities 🎓

Dublin business school university 

British columbia university 

Toronto university

Rochester institute university 

U Montreal 

University of Lumiere in France 

Queen & Mary university in UK