Wit Emploi, with the aim of providing final-year students with a clear vision of their post-BAC aspirations and guiding them towards successful professional integration, successfully organized the inaugural Impact School Days. This event took place on February 23, 24, and 25, 2022.

As an extension of this initiative, certain classes within the school were fortunate enough to participate in the "Impact School Day" program. This mentoring program, specifically designed for DP1 and DP2 students, featured young and dynamic CEOs as mentors. The upcoming edition of this program is scheduled to occur from March 22nd to March 24th, 2023, on a per-class basis. Furthermore, it offers the exciting prospect of internship opportunities during the Easter holidays.

Click here for more on Impact school day


The Science Club, organized and led by DP1 students specializing in pure and applied sciences, hosted an exciting event called the Brainly and Physical Games on Wednesday, March 22, 2023.

Rolanda BLEOUE, the president of the Science Club, provides further details about the competition. This engaging activity comprised of four different events, two of which were academic challenges while the other two were mini-games. The first event focused on mathematics, where the participants were required to solve math problems. The second event involved a game where the objective was to blow a ball over a series of glasses. The third challenge entailed delicately pulling a glass of water across a sheet of paper without spilling any of its contents. Lastly, the final event offered students the opportunity to take a Biology or Physics test randomly, testing their knowledge in either subject.


The Maths Challenge is an exciting virtual competition that aims to discover, engage, and showcase talented mathematics enthusiasts in upper secondary schools across Africa. This challenge serves as a platform to foster mathematical reasoning and the mastery of fundamental mathematical techniques in order to solve intriguing problems. The carefully crafted problems are designed to stimulate critical thinking, while the competition format promotes collaboration and teamwork among participants. Schools are invited to nominate teams consisting of 3 to 4 students who will compete in the challenge. Winning schools receive cash prizes, and students have the opportunity to win scholarships.

In this remarkable competition, three students from DP1 pure and applied sciences, namely Souly Daryl, Kpa Maximillien, and Ngoran Marc-Killian, had the privilege to participate. Let's hear from them as they answer our questions regarding their experience.


What is the Kibo math challenge?

Ngoran Marc-Killian: The Kibo Maths Challenge is an online mathematics competition that revolves around the theme of mathematics. The main objective is to assess the students' logical reasoning skills, problem-solving abilities, teamwork, and efficiency within the designated time frame. During the competition, three puzzles are presented on the screen to all participants, and teams of three individuals are required to solve them.

What benefits did you derive from this experience?

Ngoran Marc-Killian: Despite its premature end, this experience remains highly rewarding as it highlighted the significance of teamwork and impeccable organization. The contest also sparked our enthusiasm for participating in such competitions to the point where we are now considering future involvements.

Kpa Maximillien: Although we suffered a crushing defeat, the challenge itself taught me to think more quickly and efficiently.

What were the challenges you had to overcome while participating in this activity?

Ngoran Marc-Killian: Throughout this competition, the primary challenge we faced was effectively organizing ourselves as a cohesive team to engage in collective discussions and arrive at answers together. The pressure of working within the designated time frame added to the overall stress. Furthermore, completing the tasks before the time limit was crucial for achieving a better rank, intensifying the pressure even more. Another noteworthy challenge arose from the remote nature of the competition, requiring us to take pictures of our results and send them via Whatsapp. This method posed potential issues that might need to be addressed in future instances.

Kpa Maximillien: Firstly, the challenges presented in this competition were not your typical math equations or complex problems. Instead, they were intriguing mathematical puzzles similar to those found in YouTube videos. Additionally, the competition was conducted in English, and a significant portion of the participants were Nigerians.

Souly Daryl: The main challenge for me was managing and overcoming the stress while competing against participants from different nationalities.