Dear Parents, and students, welcome to the June newsletter. 

As we are almost at the end of this year's journey together, we would like to share resources with you as Parents and learners before the big Holiday. 

Documents required for any University Application Process 

As parents, we recommend that you start helping prepare the documents required for your children's university application process. 

To help you, here’s the list of documents you will need to have:

Administrative document to prepare for university applications 

 Career Exploration 


By following the link below, you will find all the information needed concerning a career in management Art, and Technology. Which job you can do once you specialize in management or art? Find the answer by just following the link!! 👉 Career exploration 

Art: Choosing the right Program

While some students are interested in computer science, Business administration, or even literature, others might be attracted by everything that asks for creativity, and self-expression which is in one word “ART”. So, as a parent, if your child is more into art than the other field, we recommend as University orientors that you encourage him to follow his dream. Because we want to help you guide your offspring in his choice, here is the link to a presentation on “how to choose the right program when applying for Art school?”  👉 Applying to Art School 

Want to major in architecture ? 

As University Counselors, a lot of students come to us saying they want to study architecture, But they don’t know why they are interested in this field specifically.  Therefore, for those who are planning to choose architecture as their major, we recommend having a look in the slide below to be sure whether or not this field is really for you.   👉 Want to Study Architecture?  


Extracurricular activities to do during vacations

We know that as students when we are on holiday, the things we think the most about are resting, going out with friends, sleeping and more. All these are good for your health but if you want Universities to be attracted to your school profile when you will be applying for your bachelor's, you need to do some lucrative activities like internships, creating a volunteering community, and more. By following the link below, you will see some more activities to be done this summer. 👉 Summer Plan 

Essay Writting

Personal Essay Writing (Personal Essay workshop) 

College Essay Guy 

How to Strategically Use your Summer to power your Master's Application 

Writing a CV as a college student.

Comment écrire un cv - Google Slides  

Recommendation Letter

Most International Universities in order to be sure that students who are applying to their Universities are good examples of students, sometimes ask for recommendation letters from students. That’s the reason why we put the link below for you to check how to do a recommendation letter, to whom you should ask, at which moment you should ask for it, and also the link of the recommendation letter form to be filled when needed. 

° (recommendation letter)  

° (recommendation form letter) 

° (English version) 

° Form for Parents  


Most International students will need to do some tests before being admitted to any University abroad. Among those tests, we have TOEFL and SAT. Please follow up the link below to know what is the difference between those two test and how to proceed to do them.

 TOEFL and SAT course registration form  👉

Important platforms to register as students 


As students, we recommend you go to some platforms that will give you more chances to have an admission to International Universities. Talking about platforms, below are two of them you should know about. 

Vision Board 

Having a vision is one of the most important keys to success. All of us have dreams and plans for achieving those dreams. In order to follow up those plans, you need to have something on which to write it, whether it is in a personal journal, a computer or even a vision board, YOU NEED TO WRITE!!!!!!!. And because we care about you, we did a little research on how to do a vision board. Just follow the link below 👉 Vision Board  

Profession Development For our Faculty by African Leadership       University

As the University Orientation department, orienting students toward their future career is good, but teaching professors how to help students make better choices is even better. That’s the reason why we gave training to Enko’s teachers on how to teach students correctly. 

Harvard Program 

Because learning is not done only in school, we planned a program called Harvard program for students to learn. In this program, some students from Harvard came from the United States to teach our students about Entrepreneurship. We know that they learned a lot with this program, and we love that!!!!!

Book a meeting with the Orientation department 

As your elder sisters and brothers did before you, you have the possibility to book a meeting with the University admission department whenever you feel overwhelmed by questions concerning the school or your after Enko career. To do so, you just need to click on one of the links below (depending on the language you speak) and fill the form. Once the meeting booked, you will be received by Mrs Shelly Jain, our Orientation department Manager (have a look on the picture below) 

Note that the meeting can be with or without your parents. Please send me an email once you book a meeting at

Last but not least I’m providing you with Gene who can help you find universities with personalized

Hi there! I am College Genie - your personal college and career counselor!

Whether you're confused about what to study, wondering what your career path should look like, searching the best degrees for your interests, or seeking guidance for your future, I’m here to help with advice tailored just for you. Ask me about anything related to your education or career.

Start a conversation and see where your future can take you!

College Genie - An all-in-one AI resource for the college search and selection process

Words and idiomatic expressions to learn this holidays 


               Example: I go to the cinema once in  a blue moon. 

Most girls want Flat belly, but go to the Gym Once in a blue moon. 

       Example: this dress cost an arm and a leg. 


         Exemple: I am flabbergasted by the way you behaved toward me, I          thought we were good friends. 

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”Henry Ford 

Continue learning!!!!!!!!!!

Bye bye!!!!! See you soon, Maybe.