April/May News


Participating in a university expo or career event offers a valuable chance to connect with representatives from numerous universities and companies at a single venue. This allows students to address any inquiries they may have about the institutions and the professional realm. Over 100 universities participated in the recent university fair:


Before taking the IB Exam, students transitioning from DP1 to DP2 gear up for academic challenges. Along the way, they send applications to various universities, either based on their school profile or their desired majors. Impressively, some secure full scholarships based on their academic performance. This year, the total scholarship value amounted to USD 17,851,946. Notable universities on our list include UMontréal, UOttawa, Queen Mary University of London, UBC, York University, Miami University, and Rochester Institute of Technology, among others.


The aim of the Olympiad is to test the technical and academic abilities of our students, providing them an opportunity to gain further experience and knowledge. We organized the Kibo Math Challenge and the Young Photographer Challenge.


Extracurricular activities provide students with a platform to put their academic skills into practice. This year, our students were delighted to engage in the: 



In our counseling sessions, we offer classes on topics such as university applications, recommendation letters, career selections, majors, and essay writing. Each of these classes is structured and delivered based on a well-organized plan:


Beginning in fall 2020, we established a tradition of hosting online sessions connecting Enko students with university admissions representatives from around the world.

We hosted the Science Po Fall Session, and this year marked the inauguration of our third series, which kicked off on November 9th, 2022. What sets these meetings apart from other international events is the direct dialogue between universities and Enko students. They provide insights on how to excel in university applications, factoring in the students' unique environmental backgrounds.


An eight-week online course designed to assist African high school students with their university applications. Spearheaded by experienced guidance counselors and specialists, this program endeavors to equip students with essential tools and insights for a successful university application journey.


During the online WebiFair, you have the opportunity to engage in real-time, one-on-one interactions with university admissions representatives from across the globe, such as:


The IC3 Institute offers schools multifaceted assistance, from setting up counseling departments and training staff to granting access to a wealth of remote training and professional growth tools. As counselors representing Enko Riviera, we were fortunate to partake in the 24-week IC3 Embark Africa Program.

The comprehensive curriculum presented encompassed:

Our dedication and involvement were acknowledged with a certificate of participation.


In counseling, we serve as the primary instrument in aiding our students. This commitment drives us to actively forge partnerships with both local and international universities and institutions. Our objective is to foster innovation, ensure mutual alignment, and pursue shared goals.

We had:


We take immense pride in our counselors who secured accreditation from Times Higher Education in London, ensuring top-notch counseling in our schools. Without introspection and the requisite knowledge, delivering high-caliber counseling to students and their parents would be challenging. This year, our counselors have been recognized with several awards.

We had: 


The majority of our students have been granted scholarships as a result of their applications to various summer school camps. 

They applied to: