Exploring Partnerships in Education: April Highlights

Dear Students, Parents, and Educators,

Welcome to the April edition of our University Admission Counseling Newsletter! This month, we're excited to highlight some valuable partnerships that have been established to support Enko Education students in their academic journey. These collaborations aim to provide students with enhanced opportunities for higher education and personal development.

Let's dive into the partnerships and benefits they offer:

METO (Modern Education & Training Organization) - METO Website 

METO warmly welcomes Enko Education students to register on its digital platform. By uploading their profiles, students gain visibility to partner universities. Enko Education counsellors will actively promote METO's services, ensuring students and parents can fully utilise this resource. Additionally, METO has generously provided free vouchers to schools through Duolingo, further facilitating language proficiency development.

Meto website

Colorado State University (CSU)

CSU extends a remarkable opportunity to Enko Education students. Two degree-seeking freshman students graduating from Enko Education high schools will receive a 50% tuition scholarship. While this scholarship typically cannot be combined with certain financial aid offers, students may still be eligible for additional scholarships from academic departments or units at CSU.

Montpellier Business School (MBS)

Enko Education students interested in the Bachelor of International Business Administration program at MBS are supported through various means:

Application fee waiver (90 euros) for all applicants.

A scholarship of 1500 euros for each student who passes the MBS admission entrance exam and enrolls.

Free workshops to prepare for the entrance exams.

Prompt decision-making on applications received by Enko Education.

Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)

HKBU offers exclusive benefits to Enko Education students, including application fee waivers and free spots in summer online courses. These opportunities enhance students' experiences and exposure to academic resources.

BAU Bahçeşehir Cyprus University

Enko Education students have access to significant scholarship opportunities at Bahçeşehir University, Cyprus. These scholarships cover varying percentages of tuition fees and are available for the entire duration of the program.

 Sharda University Partnership with Enko - Sharda University  

Sharda University is one of the Best Private Universities in Delhi NCR

Invest in Your Future

As you make plans for the summer months ahead, consider investing in yourself by participating in a summer program. Whether you're looking to explore new interests, build valuable skills, or prepare for college, a summer program can be the catalyst for personal and academic growth that sets you on the path to success.

So why wait? Seize the opportunity to unlock your potential, discover your passions, and make the most of your summer break. Your future self will thank you for it. 

Youth Entrepreneurship Program by Harvard Mentors!

Maximise Your Summer: Prepare for SAT and TOEFL Success

As the sun shines brighter and the days grow longer, summer break offers a golden opportunity for students to relax, recharge, and rejuvenate. But amidst the leisure and fun, there's also ample time to invest in your academic future. If you're considering higher education, now is the perfect time to start preparing for the SAT and TOEFL exams.

Preparing for the SAT and TOEFL during the summer may require dedication and discipline, but the rewards are well worth the effort. By taking proactive steps to improve your test scores, you're not only increasing your chances of academic success, but also opening doors to a world of opportunities beyond high school.

For more information about the preparation center, contact the counsellor of your school.

These partnerships underscore our commitment to providing Enko Education students with diverse pathways to higher education. We encourage you to explore these opportunities and leverage the support available to you.

Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities in the upcoming editions of our newsletter!

Best Regards,