Chapter 8



a small trumpet

...Uncle George went outside the door and blew his army bugle...


a piece of jewelry that has a picture carved in a different color than the background

Aunt Docia's pretty white collar was fastened in front with a large round cameo pin, which had a lady's head on it.


a tight undergarment to shape a woman's figure

at this time, corsets had strings that were pulled tightly to make a woman's waist small

They helped each other with their corsets.


a wide ruffle

...starched white petticoats with knitted lace all around the flounces.

hasty pudding

cornmeal mush

But for supper Grandma made hasty pudding.


cut or shaped with an axe

The floor was made of wide, thick slabs that Grandpa had hewed form the logs with his ax.


the back of the neck

They parted it from their foreheads to the napes of their necks...


a slip, or undergarment worn under a skirt

at this time, petticoats made skirts very full

Then Aunt Ruby and Aunt Docia put on their flannel petticoats and their plain petticoats...


winter outerwear, including capes, cloaks, shawls, etc.

...went into Grandma's house and took off their wraps.