Chapter 3



a plant with sharp, woody thorns (such as a rose or blackberry)

"My bare legs were scratched by briars..."


a male deer

This was a little bag which Ma had made beautifully of buckskin, from a buck Pa had shot.


the skin of a buck, commonly used by Native Americans and pioneers for clothing and accessories

This was a little bag which Ma had made beautifully of buckskin, from a buck Pa had shot.

bullet mold

a cavity, or hole, in which a bullet may be shaped

They brought out the big, long-handled spoon, and the box full of bits of lead, and bullet-mold.

bullet pouch

a small bag in which bullets are stored

The finished bullets he put into his bullet pouch.


a soft, silver or gray metal

They brought out the big, long-handled spoon, and the box full of bits of lead, and bullet-mold.

powder horn

a flask for carrying gunpowder (usually made from a cow or ox horn)

The powder horn and a small sharp hatchet hung at his belt.


a firearm with a long barrel that is held against the shoulder to fire

After the bullets were made, Pa would take his [rifle] down from the wall and clean it.


a branch or twig used for spanking; a whip

"...then your Grandpa went out into the yard and cut a stout switch."