Chapter 2

Winter Days and Winter Nights

Guiding Questions

  • What steps are taken to make butter?
  • What game does Pa like to play with Mary and Laura?
  • Why did Pa tell the story of Grandpa and the panther?

Figurative Language

Identify the types of figurative language used in the following passages:

  • Who is Jack Frost? What does he do? What type of figurative language is used to create Jack Frost?
  • Laura asks, "How does a panther scream?" and Pa answers, "Like a woman." What type of figurative language is used in this passage? How does it help you understand the noise a panther makes?


Explore chapter vocabulary with the visual dictionary.


  • Research the types of traps used by the pioneers. Write a report; include pictures.
  • Draw a picture of Jack Frost creating his artwork on a window.
  • Watch this video (2:28) to see how butter is churned.
  • Find out how to make butter using cream and a jar. Demonstrate.
  • Learn how to make paper dolls. Create a doll and its wardrobe.