Chapter 11


Guiding Questions

  • Why did Laura's family go to Uncle Henry's house?
  • What process did Pa and Uncle Henry use to harvest the oats?
  • What happened to Charley? Do you think it served him right?


Explore chapter vocabulary with the visual dictionary.


  • Watch this video (0:57) of men using a cradle scythe to cut oats. Then watch this video (9:58) of how modern farm equipment is used to harvest oats today. Make a list of the pros and cons of using modern equipment for harvesting.
  • Read "When the Frost Is on the Punkin" by James Whitcomb Riley. Why do you think the man in the poem is feeling "at his best" at this time of year?
  • Research the yellow jacket, including how it makes its nest and how it stings. Create a poster to tell others about this bee.