ENBES Seminar 2013 (London) - Statistics: For Businesses, About Businesses

A one day seminar was organised jointly by the Quality Improvement and Official Statistics sections of the Royal Statistical Society and ENBES and was held in London on February 19th 2013. It focussed on the collection and production of official statistics about businesses, and showcased the potential uses of these statistics in business for research and policy making.

The final programme is available as a pdf:

0 Statistics for businesses, about businesses - final programme.pdf

The presentations from the seminar are available below.

David Haziza (Université de Montréal) "Sampling and estimation procedures in business surveys: a discussion of some specific features"

1 Presentation_RSS_2013_v2.pdf

Jacqui Jones (Office for National Statistics) "Survey and statistical communication"

2 RSS_ENBES presentation_Jacqui Jones_ONS.pdf

Gordon Blunt (Gordon Blunt Analytics Ltd) "Intelligent data analysis to aid decision making in a commercial environment"

3 RSS_Better_statistics_for_business_Gordon_Blunt_130219.pdf

Stuart Coleman (Open Data Institute) "Open Data Institute"

4 ODIRSS18022012.pdf

Nigel Marriott (Marriott Statistical Consulting Ltd) "Case study of business use"

5 OSS & QIS Presentation - Feb 2013.pdf

Stephen Penneck (President of the IAOS) "British business statistics - public sector ambivalence and private sector opportunity"


7 British business statistics.pdf


7paper British business statistics.pdf