Newsletter 2018-11

Dear colleagues,

The sixth European Establishment Statistics Workshop, EESW19, is to be held in Bilbao, the Basque Country, Spain, on 25-27 September 2019. We would like to invite you to plan for participating in the workshop.

A call for papers and participation will be published in December this year, and at the same time we will open a website for registering paper abstracts and requests for participation.

New for this EESW is that on the day before - 24 September - we will offer a number of short courses. Registration for short courses will commence somewhat later than that for the workshop. But, there will be a limited number of places for each, with a maximum of 55 places for the workshop.

EESW19 is kindly hosted by EUSTAT, the statistical office of the Basque Country.

More information about EESW19 will gradually be added on to ENBES's website, where also materials from previous EESWs can be found.

For more information, or to exchange ideas about the workshop, you are invited to write back to us.

Please feel free to share these dates with your colleagues!

Looking forward to meeting you in Bilbao,

Mojca Bavdaz

Arnout van Delden

Haritz Oleata

Paul A. Smith

on behalf of EESW19 Committees