Youth Employment

Youth employment can teach students responsibility and good work habits.  Not only do teens get the opportunity to earn money but additional benefits include learning time management and organizational skills at an early age. Youth employment also give teens the opportunity to network.  Networking allows teens to establish relationships with adult employers which can later be used as references for future employment or recommenders for college applications.

EMUHSD Work Permits

All work permits are issued by the the El Monte Union High School District Office.  Please download and complete the application.  Before the work application is submitted for processing, the student is required to complete the Student Information and School Information section, a parent or guardian is required to sign and date the Parental Consent section and an authorized employee is required to complete the Employer Section.  The bottom section, "for authorized work permit issuer ONLY,"  will remain blank at submission as it is used for district processing.  Once the application is complete, please email the application to  You will be contacted by the district regarding your application.  If you have question please call Griselda Chavez at 626-444-9005 x9921.

Follow the link below for the El Monte Union High School District Work Permit Form 

WorkAbility I

"The WorkAbility I (WAI) grant programs provide comprehensive training in work, employment placement and follow-up for middle and high school students in special education who are making the transition from school to work, independent living and post-secondary education or training.  The WAI program is funded and administered by the California Department of Education and offers special eduction students the opportunity to complete their secondary education while also obtaining marketable job skills for success in the modern labor market."

Youth Employment Web Resources

The EDD Services for Youth

The Youth Employment Opportunity Program (YEOP) provides special services to youth between the ages of 15 and 25 to assist them in achieving their educational and vocational goals. While working with peer advisors, youth clients interact with professional individuals who have similar paths, perspectives, and educational goals by providing referrals to supportive services, workshops, career coaching, employment preparation, and other training and community outreach efforts.

Get My Future is a great resource for the first time job seeker and youth job seekers. Explore information on continuing education & training, resumes, job search are available. This site provides resources for developing soft skills and increase a person's employability.

This Handbook contains numerous occupations profiles and includes information on:  Duties required by the occupation; work environment; education/training needed; median pay; job qualities; required licenses/certifications; job outlook

Resume Resources

Copy of EMUHSD Student Resume Template

Kaiser Permanente Youth Work Preparation Program

The Kaiser Permanente Youth Work Preparation Program gives high school students the opportunity to build a bridge between school and the work world. Students will also gain an understanding of employment opportunities in the healthcare industry and will develop appropriate work skills and behavior.  Upon successful completion of the Youth Work Preparation Program, participants may be eligible for the Summer Youth Employment Program.

This program is has limited availability.  Inquire about the program in your high school's Career Center.