Tips to Support Online Learning from EMSB's Educational Services 

Here are some tips to help you manage learning online, click on the arrows to learn more.  

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Maintain Relationships

Resource:  21 Social Distance-Friendly and Virtual Icebreakers Students Will Actually Have Fun With

Plan for Differentiation

A benefit of using an online space for your classroom is students can learn about the same concepts, but using various types of media.

Examples with a response-to-text activity:

Non-specific examples:

Key Questions to Consider When Planning Lessons

Maintain Engagement

Offer Timely Feedback

Feedback can take many forms, it can be written, verbal or a combination thereof.

Foster Good Digital Citizenship Habits

Here's an Example!

Teaching online

Learning in a classroom and online can be very different. When online, use direct instruction sparingly. It is recommended that the classwork be administered in small doses (maximum of 20 min).  Try not to offer too much content and resources at once as it can overwhelm students. Keeping it simple is the best motto. Students shouldn't be in front of a screen all day.

There are many interesting digital tools out there, but technology alone is not a miracle cure. How you use a tool is more important than the tool itself.  It’s a good idea to design learning situations where learners create content or solve problems. It’s better to have students actively engage with digital content than just absorb it.

Finally, it is strongly suggested that students interact with their peers from time to time. Nothing prevents group work online. At the EMSB, we have access to online tools that allow for collaborative work!

*Inspired from Favoriser l'interaction à distance

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