Module 3: Theology of risk and suffering

Outcome: Develop a personal theology of risk and suffering that helps to ground you in faith & trust and guard against fear & anxiety.




Look up the following verses:

  • 1 Peter 4:1, 12-19

  • Colossians 1:24

  • Acts 19: 29-31

  • Acts 21:10-14

  • Matthew 10:16-20

  • Luke 14:27

  • 2 Corinthians 11: 23-27

  • Philippians 3:10

Which of these verses stand out to you and why?

What kinds of risks might you need to take while on assignment?

Using the following questions as a guide, write your own (brief) theology of suffering:

“I believe …”

  1. Who I know God to be right now

  2. When I think about suffering, how do I feel?

  3. What has God called all believers to risk or lay down?

  4. How will I respond to suffering or threat?

  5. What am I willing to risk?

  6. What will I trust God for?

  7. How am I being called to join with the One who stretched out His arms of love on the hardwood of the cross seeking to embrace all who come near?