Module 2: Accountability

Outcome: Practice vulnerable accountability with one or two other people.


Practice accountability with one or two other people at least three times.

    • Ask people to commit to meeting together at least three times.
    • Use the Life Transformation Group guide to guide your times together.
      • The guide attached is modified from Cole's original. Rather than the “exhale/inhale” that Cole highlights, it talks about “Up/In/Out."
      • “Up” is about Scripture. Decide what you want to read together. Choose an amount that is challenging but feasible.
      • “In” is about confession. Work through the questions, sharing about how you’ve lived, or struggled to live, the kingdom of God in each of these areas. You will probably find you have more to say about some questions and less to say about others. Let the Holy Spirit search your heart as you go through the questions.
      • “Out” is about prayer, especially remembering those who are not yet walking with Jesus.
    • This is just a guide! Feel free to modify it as is helpful.


Write about your experience in the transformation group:

    • What did you find helpful?
    • What did you find unhelpful?
    • How do you see yourself walking in this kind of vulnerable accountability on your assignment?