
Traveling Within and Outside of Your Host Country

One major benefit to studying abroad is obviously the chance to travel around your host country and the region. This can allow you to compare and contrast the US with your host city or country, but also your host country with other locations you visit.

Keep the following tips in mind while traveling around:

    • Absorb your surroundings and the culture of each place you visit. Be present in the moment.
    • Keep a written account of where you went, what you saw and what you learned from each place; this can be in the form of an actual journal or a blog; a written record is much more enriching than just photographs because you can express how you felt or explain what you saw. Observe and write about:
        • What is the city or location famous for? How is that significant to the countries culture or history?
        • How do locals interact with each other and with visitors? How do they dress? What are the most popular dishes in the local cuisine?
        • What did you find most surprising about the city/culture?

There are many local tour operators in your country you can find through your host university or program provider (one example is Weekend Student Adventures in Europe). W&M does not partner with or provide recommendations on any tour providers, so do your research thoroughly.

Other tips to think about before you make those weekend or post-program travel plans:

    • Plan trips early – it is both cheaper and less stressful in the long run. But don't plan too early; leave room for spontaneity and the ability to make plans with new friends.
    • Travel can be expensive, so choose your destinations wisely. Choose the location based on your interests; are you going to a city/country just because the rest of your friends are going, or is there something you really want to see or experience?
    • Stay in hostels! They are inexpensive and interesting. Check out all hostels where you will be going before leaving using,, and get ready to meet students from all over the world! Read reviews and check out the location in the desired city. Hostels will often run social activities, or cultural excursions. Airbnb is an option as well, but you might miss out on the opportunities for socialization that come with the communal nature of hostels.
    • Especially in Europe, you can get cheap flights, but be aware that many of those flights are to smaller airports farther out from the city. In those cases, you will have to pay for transportation into the city which may end up costing the same as if you flew directly into the main airport for that city. Use Google Flights, Skyscanner, or Momondo to find the best deals for flights.
    • Be patient and expect delays, especially with public transportation. Allow plenty of time to get to and from airports or train stations, as you never know when something will go wrong!
    • Spending time exploring your host city and country can be just as valuable as traveling to a new country, make time to do both!

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