Telling Your Career Story

After Your Study Abroad Experience: Resources, Tips, Considerations

  • Identify skills you’ve developed by studying abroad and reflect on that growth. Employers regularly indicate interest in entry level candidates having the following competencies: Critical Thinking, Communication, Teamwork, Technology, Leadership, Professionalism, Career and Self-Development, and Equity & Inclusion. Which of these areas have you improved upon, and how can you demonstrate that growth?

  • Add the experience to your resume and LinkedIn (if you use LinkedIn). Adding the experience as soon as possible after returning from abroad will help you to remember the important components.

  • Learn how to speak about your experiences in a particular way that demonstrates what you learned or how you grew; show, don’t tell. One way is the STAR method, where you explain the Situation, the Task, the Action you took, and the Result. For example, instead of saying “I became more resourceful while abroad,” you might say, “I was lost in Paris [situation], and I had to get to class for an important presentation [task]. I approached a local shop owner to ask for directions in my broken French [action]. He was able to point me in the right direction and I made it to class in time [result].” More detail about understanding the advantage of having that experience as part of your story as a candidate. Practicing speaking about your experiences will help you in future interviews. Connect your examples to the career competencies where possible.

  • Once you're back on campus attend the Office of Career Development and Professional Engagement crash courses, advising appointments, and mock interviews for tips on how to leverage your study abroad experience on resumes, interviews, applications, and more!

  • Keep in touch with your network. This includes your peers you studied with, faculty and staff at the institution, and supervisors of any internships or volunteer experiences you had abroad. Connect with them on LinkedIn or maintain contact in whatever way works best.

NACE Transferable Skills Inventory - Study Abroad

NACE Skills Inventory Handout - Study Abroad.pdf

Study Abroad Resume Resources - Representing Your Study Abroad Experience

Study Abroad Resumes Resource.pdf