Staying Healthy

Physical Health

Studying abroad is fun, but getting sick while you’re abroad is not! Being in a new environment will push you, physically and mentally, so follow these tips to make sure you’re taking care of yourself:

  • Before you leave, be aware of any possible health issues and get all the required & suggestion immunizations.
  • Get plenty of rest – doing simple things abroad can be stressful and tiring, so make sure you don’t wear yourself out.
  • If you need a break, take one! Don’t feel pressure to see and do everything.
  • Ease into eating the local cuisine by starting out with familiar foods; let your body adjust before diving all the way in. In certain countries and regions, avoid fruit or vegetables that you can’t peel.
  • Carry PeptoBismol or Imodium for those times when tummy troubles strike.
  • Drink lots of water. Know whether you can drink your country’s tap water or not; if not, buy bottled water or bring a water bottle with a filter.
  • Exercise! You might have to modify your usual workout regimen based on your schedule and what’s feasible in your host country, but even doing something small, like stretches in your room, will help you stay healthy.

Mental Health

Staying healthy means taking care of your mental health in addition to your physical well-being. Some resources on managing your mental health abroad are:

Even though you’re abroad, you are still a W&M student, and so the resources at the Counseling Center are still available to you. For emergencies outside of the Counseling Center hours, you can call (757) 221-3620 to speak with a counselor via phone.