Litzy Morales

"Most recently I have begun creating more mixed media works using things like cardboard cutouts, candy wrappers, and bottle caps. The added mediums are a stark contrast to the pencil or painting medium, but I try to make the transition appear natural. I am interested in making images that are out of the ordinary concept-wise in that they would not occur in real life, they are imagined images. Despite being imagined, I work from reference photos and objects to help me understand how the form would sit in a space. My drawings are a record of things I have seen or experienced that for some reason or another stayed with me. My subject matter is people or things that bring me joy or that I find aesthetically pleasing."

acrylic on canvas

oil on canvas

Hell's Mayo
oil on canvas

Bucket Head
oil on canvas

oil on canvas

Luck Charm
mixed media

The Paco Painting
acrylic on canvas

Bolder and Brasher
acrylic on canvas

Sweet Dreams
mixed media