Ruoxi Hua

"I work with painting, drawing, and printmaking predominately in a perceptional manner. I enjoy responding to my observation as a "process", as well as creating the illusion of surface texture as an "end". I am obsessed with structure and space and love exploring a wide variety of applications to linear perspective or perceptual systems. Most of my works involve figures in space, which gives rise to narrative situations. Narratives and drama are important ingredients to my works. One of the ways I introduce drama to my work is by adopting a panoramic perspective. For me a panorama is not only a wide-angled view, but also a way to depict a whole that consists of a variety of parts and produce an epic feeling. For instance, a social panorama is a collection of individual situations within the society."

The Four Horsemen: Death
graphite on paper

The Four Horsemen: Famine
graphite on paper

The Four Horsemen: War
graphite on paper

The Four Horsemen: Plague
graphite on paper

Scene I : A Panoramam of Life on Achernar
oil on canvas

No. 001
oil on panel

No. 002
oil on panel

Melody of the Grand Machine: No. 613
charcola on paper

The Plaster Room (in progress)
oil on

etching, drypoint, and aquatint