Jieru Zhang

"I begin a drawing or painting by imagining a scene in my mind, much like setting up a stage act. I purposefully use light touches creating a close value system to achieve a dreamlike impression that creates a barrier between the viewer's world and the world behind the picture plane. My creative works are based on films, video games, novels, myths, and legends, and to lend a depth of realism, my daily life. I place a high priority on the narratives in my drawings, and am drawn to the mystery and unpredictability of people. As a result, as I begin envisioning the story behind a model or a person in a photograph based on their appearances and behaviors, what I could perceive are merely assumptions based on my experiences, which adds mystery to the drawing process."

charcoal on paper

charcoal on paper

charcoal on paper

Figure Drawing II
charcoal on paper

Figure Drawing I and
"The Story of an Abducted Woman" Book

charcoal on paper

The Story of an Abducted Woman

Figure with Deer
watercolor on paper

Figure with Wing
watercolor on paper

Four Female Characters in Chinese Literature
digital image from video