Art History Colloquium

Now in its fourth year, the Art History Senior Research Colloquium was under the guidance of Professor Zandi-Sayak. This is the required capstone seminar for Art History concentrators, with a focus on expanding and refining a research paper already written for an earlier art history course, and on the delivery of a related public presentation.

The student presenters included:

Liberty Bassett / Emma Capaldi / Tori Erisman / Ivana Genov / Brianna Gettier / Yijun Huang / Sandy Kelso / Laura Luo / Yinuo Zhang / Stephan Zhou

This year's colloquium was launched by a Keynote Lecture, "Constellational Modernism in Egypt" by

Dr. Alex Dika Seggerman, Assistant Professor of Art, Rutgers University - Newark.