Litzy's Artist Statement

My works vary from drawings and paintings to mixed medium works. In my drawings I like to keep my works clean and clear by building up the forms with light lines and erasing excess marks. Similarly, I build my paintings up with thin layers of paint to maintain a smooth surface. I try to make decisive marks with paint to avoid mushy colors but also find blending is necessary sometimes to prevent planes of color from breaking the unity in a surface. Most recently I have begun creating more mixed media works using things like cardboard cutouts, candy wrappers, and bottle caps. The added mediums are a stark contrast to the pencil or painting medium, but I try to make the transition appear natural.

I am interested in making images that are out of the ordinary concept-wise in that they would not occur in real life, they are imagined images. Despite being imagined I work from reference photos and objects to help me understand how the form would sit in a space. My drawings are a record of things I have seen or experienced that for some reason or another stayed with me. My subject matter is people or things that bring me joy or that I find aesthetically pleasing. This includes family members, people or things from television, and musicians. I tend to place emphasis on the person or object I am drawing as that is what is important to me. My experiences and the people in my life are what have shaped me and I like to show my appreciation for them by incorporating them or objects associated with them in my works. My pieces are reflective of my personality and interests. I am someone who overthinks and worries alot and so I want my work to be an escape from worry and instead evoke a feeling of lightheartedness. Though the impulse to create my pieces comes from what I enjoy, I would want to evoke a positive feeling in my viewers as well.