IOTA 360 Evaluations

Q: What are IOTA360 Evaluations?

IOTA360 Evaluations is a service partnered with Germanna to provide Students the opportunity to Evaluate their classes each semester. This feedback is used by your Professors to make adjustments to their classes in the future. These evaluations are an essential tool to improve courses for future students.

Q: How do I access IOTA360?

Log in to your myGCC account from the Germanna website. Once logged in you will see an IOTA360 tile. Click on the tile and your browser should automatically open your VCCS IOTA360 page in a new tab.

Q: How do I complete an IOTA360 evaluation?

Once you have opened the IOTA360 page from your myGCC account, you will see your available course evaluations at the top of the page. Your courses are listed by course number, the course title, and instructor. Under the status column, you will see Click to Evaluate and a button shaped like a notebook. Click on either button to open your course evaluation. Once the evaluation has started, you read the questions and provide your responses. Keep in mind your responses are anonymous! So, don't be afraid, to be honest in your evaluation of the course.

Here is an example of a GCC Course Evaluation Survey:

Q: Can I redo my evaluation?

Yes! If you have completed your evaluation and would like to change the submission, you may use the Click to Reset button in the Reset column on your myGCC IOTA360 home page. Keep in mind that you will have to do the evaluation from the beginning once you have reset it.

Q: Is my submission anonymous?

Yes, it is! IOTA360 evaluation surveys are completely anonymous. IOTA360 states that they take student anonymity very seriously. These evaluations are designed to give students a safe platform to provide their feedback on a course they've taken, without fear of retaliation or reprimand. Please keep in mind that your responses have an impact so, please be honest in your feedback. Also, keep your responses respectful and professional. Regardless of your feelings about the course, the IOTA360 evaluation is not a tool to be used for insulting your instructor in any way, shape, or form.

Q: Can I resume an evaluation if it gets interrupted?

Unfortunately, as of the current IOTA360 version, evaluations must be completed in one session. However, the evaluations are reasonably short and can be completed in around 15 minutes or less.

Q: What do I do after I've completed a course evaluation?

Many instructors offer extra credit as an incentive to complete a course evaluation. If your instructor offers extra credit, then please be sure to read their instructions carefully on what to do. Frequently an instructor will request proof of a completed survey. A common resource is the email sent after a survey is completed. This email is usually automatically sent to your VCCS email account. Information on how to access your VCCS email is included in the Google section of this site. If you did not receive the confirmation email, then you can click on the Completed button under the Status column and it will be sent again to your VCCS email.

Q: What if I have any other problems?

On your myGCC IOTA360 home page there is a button called Need Help? It is beneath the Germanna banner and above your current course evaluations. Click this button to be taken to a fillable form to receive support from IOTA360.