Hoop Troop

Hoop Troop

The Hoop Troop is Louisiana Tech's Basketball Band. An integral part of Women and Men's Basketball games, the Hoop Troop comes from the membership of the Band of Pride.

The information below is specific instructions for members of the Hoop Troop.


Use the link to choose from either list of dates for the BLUE Basketball Band or the RED Basketball Band.

To maintain the Winter Scholarship, each member must select 6 of the 11-12 dates to play with the selected Basketball Band. NOTE: Each game must have a minimal instrumentation before the roster will be permitted to expand. Members should sign-up in the blank spaces first.

Sign-up for the BLUE BAND here.

Sign-up for the RED BAND here.

Any musician who plays in 12 events will receive an additional scholarship ($50 for 1st and 2nd Year, $75 for 3rd, and $100 for 4th year of participation). Only those players who appear at 10 of the dates will be selected for post-season play (instrumentation followed by seniority rules the selection of players).

Six (6) games are ‘paid Band’ and will count toward the 10 required for post season but NOT count toward the 6 required games. Members will be paid $30 and the band is limited to 20 members.

Sign-up for the PAID BAND here.

Once a player commits to a game, that player is committed to finding a sub on your instrument.

Students with equipment may park in the gravel lot just past the TAC on Alabama.

Call Time: Attendance will be taken 30 minutes before tip. Anyone arriving after that time will be marked Tardy. Two (2) late arrivals will result in the reduction of one game from required performances. The director reserves the right to remove scholarship dollars from students who regularly arrive late or miss games.