Design and Drawing For Production

2022-2023 Google classroom codes

DDP P.4 - 4yzxlod

DDP P.7 - im2qhcs

DDP P.9 - bdvmquo

The goal of Design and Drawing for Production is to equip each student with the necessary knowledge and skills needed to reach full potential as a human being. This course encourages visual problem-solving and critical thinking to be able analyze, creatively design and critically evaluate the human-made environment.

DDP integrates the artistic elements of design with the drafting skills required to produce quality technical drawings allowing this course to be utilized for 1 Full year (1 credit) Technology Elective or 1 Full Year (1 credit) art/music requirement. Through the use of computer aided design, manual drafting, and hands on projects, students will apply engineering concepts. Emphasis of the course will be based upon creative engineering activities using industry standard 2D and 3D CAD software and mechanical drawing techniques. Major concepts are introduced at the beginning of the course and reinforced through activity-based case studies. Learning experiences designed for this course emphasize problem solving and critical thinking utilizing acquired math and science skills in a technology context.

22-23 DDP syllabus