日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 国際共同研究加速基金(国際先導研究 )22K21344

(RECONNECT Kakenhi project)  




Diversity of prebiotic chemistry and molecular systems 

in planetary environments in the Solar System

Outline / 概要




How did Earth and life form? Is there life beyond Earth in the Solar System? The goal of our project is to answer these fundamental questions.

Exploration of asteroids, including Hayabusa2, and exploration of the moons of Earth and Mars are unraveling the origins of Earth and the Solar System. On Mars, rovers are driving over lake sediments, collecting samples containing organic matter to bring back to Earth. On icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, subsurface oceans exist, and plumes erupting from the oceans allow us to reveal the aqueous environments and organic chemistry. 

Through constructing an international research network, we will promote Solar System explorations, describe what materials Earth and planets are made of and how their atmospheres and oceans formed, and develop theories that predict chemical evolution and molecular systems that can occur in planetary environments. We will construct scenarios for the origins of Earth and life based on actual samples, and obtain insight into life beyond Earth based on Solar System explorations.

Emergence of diverse planetary environments

Schematic diagram of the formation and evolution of planet–life systems (top) and relevant space missions (bottom). Planetary formation processes caused a diversification of environments. In such environments, prebiotic chemistry acted as filter selections, leading to the emergence of evolvable molecular systems.

Organization / 組織


To achieve the above goal, an international joint research network will be established to build a tight link between theories and Solar System explorations. Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) of the Tokyo Tech., together with Universal Biology Institute (UBI) of Univ. Tokyo, is the core of the theoretical research, and international collaborations will be established with overseas centers (Observatory of the Cote d'Azur, Niels Bowa Institute, etc.) to reinforce this network. As for Solar System explorations, JAXA and UTokyo Organization for Planetary and Space Sci (UTOPS) has been leading and promoting this. We will build strong international collaborations with NASA and other space agencies for exploration of Mars and ice satellites of Jupiter and Saturn.

Sub-themes of our project

Connections & synergies among our sub-themes, showing their interactions. In Theme (a), we investigate the origin of diversity of planetary environments. In Theme (b), we tackle prebiotic chemistry and formation of molecular systems in planetary environments. 

Fostering next generations / 若手育成



これらにより、天文学・地球惑星科学から、化学・生命科学までがひとつなぎに連携した研究グループを構築します。既存の学術の枠にとらわれず、これを打ち破って新しい知の地平線を開拓できる国際的な人材を育成したいと考えています。海外派遣支援の公募は、本HP「join」及びCall for ovearsea dispatchを参照ください。

To achieve the above objectives, it is also essential to integrate the fields and foster the next generation. In addition to PI and Co-PIs, young researchers will participate in this research. The young researchers will be dispatched to oversea collaborators corresponding to the research topics for a long period (see figure below).

To internationalize the field as a whole, this research plan will gather excellent young researchers from all over Japan, and support their dispatch to overseas on a long-term basis. This will lead to the establishment of research groups that link from astronomy and Earth and planetary sciences to chemistry and life sciences, and to the development of researchers capable of breaking the discipline boundaries and pioneering new horizons of knowledge.

Organization of our project

Participating researchers and research themes. Related oversea institutes and researchers are shown. The oversea researchers listed here are examples of collaborators and include a number of researchers.