IS/AI SDGs ガイドライン/Guidelines
(日本語) 北海道アンビシャス博士人材フェローシップ研究専念支援金および研究費受給者のガイドライン(English)Guidelines for Recipients of Hokkaido University Ambitious Doctoral Fellowship 実施要項
IS/AI SDGs 研究成果への表示について / Indication in Research Results
When you publish your research results, please indicate that it was supported by this fellowship.
※論文中の謝辞(Acknowledgment)の記載例 / Example in acknowledgement of papers
【英文】This work was supported by JST, the establishment of university fellowships towards the creation of science technology innovation, Grant Number JPMJFS2101.
IS/AI SDGs 採用時の初回手続及び提出書類について/Initial Procedures and Documents to be Submitted for New Recipients.
Fellowship recipients must complete the procedure. Please fill in all the necessary information on the [Google Form] and upload the documents to be submitted.
【提出が必要な書類/Required documents】
Please submit the scanned data of your bankbook and student ID card *If it is difficult to scan the document, photographed image data is acceptable.
*Please submit the scanned data of your new student ID card (doctoral student ID card)
【〆切/Deadline 】
2023年4月7日(金)/Friday, April 7, 2023
提出書類は以下の【Googleフォーム/Google Form】にアップロードしてください。
Please upload your submission documents to the following [Google Form].
【研究専念支援金の支給/Payment of the research fellowship】
After you completed the procedures and submitted all of the above documents, you will receive the research fellowship for April and May in April.
We will contact you again regarding the payment date.
・Students of Information and Technology / AI: 120,000 yen x 2 months = 240,000 yen
*A portion of the research fellowship (30,000 yen) will be paid separately as RA salary.
・Students of SDGs: 150,000 yen x 2 months = 300,000 yen
Office for Advancement of Graduate Education Reform,
Academic Affairs Planning Div., Academic Affairs Dept.,
Hokkaido University
※[a]は@に変換してください。/Please convert [a] to @.
IS/AI SDGs 継続的な提出書類/Ongoing Submission Documents
毎月の修学状況報告書・研究活動調書 /Monthly Study Status Report and Research Activity Report
受給期間中、継続的に提出が必要(毎月末日までに提出)/Regularly required documents during the support period (to be submitted by the last day of each month)
提出書類の様式は、こちらよりダウンロードしてください。/Please download the formats of submission documents from here.
提出書類は以下の【Googleフォーム/Google Form】にアップロードしてください。
IS/AI SDGs (IS/AI & SDGs) 修学状況報告書・研究活動調書 アップロードフォーム/
※ログイン後に「既に回答済みです」と表示された場合は、画面左下にある「回答を編集」をクリックしてください。*If you see "「既に回答済みです」(You have already answered)" after logging in, please click "「回答を編集」(Edit Answer)" in the lower left corner of the screen.
※アップロードフォームには、ELMSのGoogleアカウントにログインしたうえでアクセスしてください。(ELMSにログインし、画面左側に表示されるG-SUITEのいずれか(メール、カレンダー、ファイル共有)にアクセスすることで、ELMSのGoogleアカウントにログインした状態となります)。*Before accessing the upload form on the ELMS Google, please log in to your ELMS Google account . By logging in to ELMS and accessing one of the G-Suites (Mail, Calendar, Drive) displayed on the left side of the screen, you are logged into your ELMS Google account.
※ELMSアカウントにログインしているにも関わらず、Googleフォームへのログインができない場合:同一のインターネットブラウザで違うGoogleアカウントを使用していた場合、当該アカウントの履歴(Cookie)が残っておりログインエラーが生じることがあります。ログインエラーが生じた場合は、他のGoogleアカウントから完全にログアウトし、履歴(Cookie)の削除をするか、違うインターネットブラウザからのアクセスをお試しください。*In cases you cannot access the Google Form in spite of logging in with your ELMS account: If you use a different Google account on the same Internet browser, the history (cookies) of another account may be retained, which may cause login errors. In such cases, please log out from other Google accounts completely and try deleting the history (cookies) or accessing the form on a different Internet browser.
IS/AI SDGs 研究費執行計画表の提出/Submission of the Research Expenses Execution Plan
研究費の執行状況確認のため、研究費執行計画表を作成していただきます。研究費執行計画表は、年度末(来年3月31日)までの研究費(年額 40 万円、支援期間が半年間の場合は 20 万円 )の使用計画を立ててください。研究費執行計画表の作成に当たっては、指導教員等と相談の上作成してください。
In order to confirm the execution status of the research expenses, we will ask you to prepare a research expenses execution plan. Please make a plan to spend the research expenses (400,000 yen per academic year, 200,000 yen for those whose support period is for 6 months ) by the end of the academic year (March 31 of next year). When preparing a research expenses execution plan, consult with your supervisor.
提出書類の様式は、こちらよりダウンロードしてください。/Please download the formats of submission documents from here.
(English)Research Expenses Execution Plan
提出書類は以下の【Googleフォーム/Google Form】にアップロードしてください。
IS/AI SDGs 令和5年度研究費執行計画表/Research Expenses Execution Plan
※アップロードフォームには、ELMSのGoogleアカウントにログインしたうえでアクセスしてください。(SSOシステムからELMSにログインし、画面左側に表示されるG-SUITEのいずれか(メール、カレンダー、ファイル共有)にアクセスすることで、ELMSのGoogleアカウントにログインした状態となります)。*Before accessing the upload form on the ELMS Google, please log in to your ELMS Google account . By logging in to ELMS and accessing one of the G-Suites (Mail, Calendar, Drive) displayed on the left side of the screen, you are logged into your ELMS Google account.※ELMSアカウントにログインしているにも関わらず、Googleフォームへのログインができない場合:同一のインターネットブラウザで違うGoogleアカウントを使用していた場合、当該アカウントの履歴(Cookie)が残っておりログインエラーが生じることがあります。ログインエラーが生じた場合は、他のGoogleアカウントから完全にログアウトし、履歴(Cookie)の削除をするか、違うインターネットブラウザからのアクセスをお試しください。*In cases you cannot access the Google Form in spite of logging in with your ELMS account: If you use a different Google account on the same Internet browser, the history (cookies) of another account may be retained, which may cause login errors. In such cases, please log out from other Google accounts completely and try deleting the history (cookies) or accessing the form on a different Internet browser.
IS/AI SDGs 研究活動に関する不正防止研修等の受講について/Attend Training Course on Prevention of Misconduct in Research Activities
本学では、研究活動上における不正行為や研究費の不正使用を防止するため、本学構成員の公正な研究活動に関する意識と、研究費の使用に関する学内ルールに対する意識の高揚を図ることを目的とし、「研究活動に関する不正防止研修」及び「研究費の使用に関する学内ルール研修」(以下、「不正防止研修等」という。)を実施しています。/ HU has conducted the “Training for the Prevention of Misconduct in Research Activities” and the “Training for the University Rules on the Use of Research Expenses” with the aim of raising the awareness of the University's members regarding fair research activities and the University rules for use of research expenses.
1 研修受講
2 受講期間:令和5年7月11(火)~8月31(木)
3 受講報告
1. Attend trainings
(1) Attendance at “Training for the Prevention of Misconduct in Research Activities” (Using APRIN e-learning program)
-> After logging in, please take the courses listed in the main menu.
Do not change or add training courses.
(2) Read through the “Research Handbook”
(3) Attendance at “Training for the University Rules on the Use of Research Expenses” (Using NetLearning)
-> Access the login screen from the "My Room Login" button at the top of the NetLearning web site.
* If you do not know your “user name (or ID)” and “password” in (1) and (3), please ask to the administrative office of your graduate school.
2. Duration of taking the course:From July 11, 2023 to August 31, 2023
* In case previously you had taken those courses as JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, you will be exempted from taking the course by submitting course certifications. (You refer to the following.)
3. Course Attendance Report
For the training courses (1) and (3), please upload the certificates of attendance that can be output from the respective systems after attending each training courses to the following site.
*In case you already took the courses as JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, By submitting (Uploading) course certifications, you will be exempted from taking the course again.
IS/AI SDGs Click here for submitting a certificates of attendance
*Before accessing the upload form on the ELMS Google, please log in to your ELMS Google account . By logging in to ELMS and accessing one of the G-Suites (Mail, Calendar, Drive) displayed on the left side of the screen, you are logged into your ELMS Google account.
*In cases you cannot access the Google Form in spite of logging in with your ELMS account: If you use a different Google account on the same Internet browser, the history (cookies) of another account may be retained, which may cause login errors. In such cases, please log out from other Google accounts completely and try deleting the history (cookies) or accessing the form on a different Internet browser.
IS/AI SDGs 継続の手続きについて(受給資格審査)/”Continuation” Procedure(Application for Eligibility Screening)
IS/AI SDGs 辞退の手続きについて/”Declination” Procedure
IS/AI SDGs 支援修了(満了)・短縮修了者の手続きについて/”Termination” procedure for fellowship students(expiration or shorten of a term)
◆継続の手続きについて(受給資格審査)/”Continuation” Procedure(Application for Eligibility Screening)
Recipients should submit “①Research Activity Report” and “②Supervisor Confirmation Documents” at the end of each academic year for eligibility screening.
Please click the link below to obtain the form and submit it via “Google Form for Submission”.
Submission of the report is mandatory required. Eligibility of receiving the fellowship shall be assessed by the report then If you do not submit this report, the research fellowship shall be suspended.
The resource of the fellowship is based on the tax of the Japanese citizens. The report will be disclosed to the public to accomplish the duty of accountability to the citizens, therefore please make this report on the assumption that it will be made public along with your name.
Furthermore, to avoid problems related to patents and copyrights, please be sure to confirm the contents of your research with your supervisor before opening it. When submitting this report, please also submit a document that shows that your supervisor has confirmed the content (format is optional; a copy of an email or other document showing that the content has been confirmed is acceptable).
By publishing this report, we hope that local governments and companies will become interested in your research, which will lead to the development of initiatives for the social implementation of your research results.
◆辞退の手続きについて/”Declination” Procedure
◇Those who decline at the end of March (Current fellowship students)
Please obtain the form from the link at the bottom and submit “③Decline of Research Fellowship”. Students should also submit “①Research Activity Report” and “②Supervisor Confirmation Documents” as annual reports.
Even if fellowship recipients decline this fellowship at the end of the academic year, it is also mandatory for them to submit ①and➁ because these are reports for the period of this fellowship.
The resource of the fellowship is based on the tax of the Japanese citizens. The report will be disclosed to the public to accomplish the duty of accountability to citizens, therefore please make this report on the assumption that it will be made public along with your name.
Furthermore, to avoid problems related to patents and copyrights, please be sure to confirm the contents of your research with your supervisor before opening it. When submitting this report, please also submit a document that shows that your supervisor has confirmed the content (format is optional; a copy of an email or other document showing that the content has been confirmed is acceptable).
By publishing this report, we hope that local governments and companies will become interested in your research, which will lead to the development of initiatives for the social implementation of your research results.
◇Those who decline at the end of March (Candidates for the new recipient)
Students who have received a notice of employment (including a notice of candidate for the new recipient) and have not yet received any support should obtain the form from the link at the bottom and submit “③Decline of Research Fellowship”.
◆支援修了(満了)・短縮修了者の手続きについて/”Termination” procedure for fellowship students(expiration or shorten of a term)
以下の①~⑤の手続をお願いします。Please accomplish procedures from ① to ⑤ as following.
下段のリンクから様式を取得し、年間の報告書として「①研究活動状況等報告書」「➁指導教員確認資料」を提出してください /Please obtain the form from the link at the bottom and submit “①Research Activity Report” and “②Supervisor Confirmation Documents” as annual reports.
If fellowship recipients will be expiration or graduate shorten the term of this fellowship at the end of the academic year, it is also mandatory for them to submit①and ➁ because these are reports for the period of this fellowship.
The resource of the fellowship is based on the tax of the Japanese citizens. The report will be disclosed to the public to accomplish the duty of accountability to the citizens, therefore please make this report on the assumption that it will be made public along with your name.
Furthermore, to avoid problems related to patents and copyrights, please be sure to confirm the contents of your research with your supervisor before opening it. When submitting this report, please also submit a document that shows that your supervisor has confirmed the content (format is optional; a copy of an email or other document showing that the content has been confirmed is acceptable).
By publishing this report, we hope that local governments and companies will become interested in your research, which will lead to the development of initiatives for the social implementation of your research results.
下段のリンクから様式を取得し③受給辞退届を提出してください/Please obtain the form from the link at the bottom and submit a letter of Decline of Research Fellowship
Only the students who take short a term of receiving the fellowship shall submit a form of Decline of the Research Fellowship.
④メールアドレスのご提供をお願いします/Submit your email address
All alumni of the fellowship submit your email address. The purpose of submission is to send certificates of payment required for tax returns (KAKUTEISHINKOKU: to be sent only upon request). Also, we may conduct surveys for those who have completed the program, etc. We would appreciate your cooperation.
⑤支援修了後の進路状況についてご提供ください/Provide information on your career path after completion of the fellowship.
We will refer your information for our further supporting program for the fellowship students.
Please download the formats of the submission documents from here.
① (日本語)研究活動状況等報告書[情報・AI]
① (English)Research Activity Report [Information Science and AI]
① (日本語)研究活動状況等報告書[SDGs]
① (English)Research Activity Report [SDGs]
② ①の報告書を指導教員が確認したことが分かる資料(様式任意、確認したことが分かるメール等の写しでも可)
Any document showing that the report① was confirmed by your supervisor (Form is optional, For example, an e-mail showing that supervisor has confirmed).
③ (日本語)受給辞退届[情報・AI][SDGs]
③ (English)Decline of Research Fellowship[Information Science and AI][SDGs]
Submission deadline: March 11, 2024 (Monday)
提出書類は以下の【Googleフォーム/Google Form】にアップロードしてください。
Please upload your submission documents to the following [Google Form].
※アップロードフォームには、ELMSのGoogleアカウントにログインしたうえでアクセスしてください。(ELMSにログインし、画面左側に表示されるG-SUITEのいずれか(メール、カレンダー、ファイル共有)にアクセスすることで、ELMSのGoogleアカウントにログインした状態となります)。*Before accessing the upload form on the ELMS Google, please log in to your ELMS Google account . By logging in to ELMS and accessing one of the G-Suites (Mail, Calendar, Drive) displayed on the left side of the screen, you are logged into your ELMS Google account.
※ELMSアカウントにログインしているにも関わらず、Googleフォームへのログインができない場合:同一のインターネットブラウザで違うGoogleアカウントを使用していた場合、当該アカウントの履歴(Cookie)が残っておりログインエラーが生じることがあります。ログインエラーが生じた場合は、他のGoogleアカウントから完全にログアウトし、履歴(Cookie)の削除をするか、違うインターネットブラウザからのアクセスをお試しください。*In cases you cannot access the Google Form despite logging in with your ELMS account: If you use a different Google account on the same Internet browser, the history (cookies) of another account may be retained and bring system conflict, which may cause login errors. In such cases, please log out from other Google accounts completely and try deleting the history (cookies) or accessing the form on a different Internet browser.
◆3月末以外に辞退される方/ Those who decline other than at the end of March
If a situation arises that requires you to decline, please submit the declination form as soon as possible.
提出先 /E-mail address for submission:kaikaku-station[a]academic.hokudai.ac.jp
※[a]は@に変換してください。/Please convert [a] to @.