"Research Presentations to Contribute to the SDGs" in Chikaho

地域の未来社会SOUZOUプロジェクト ~ 想像から創造へ ~


Future Society of the Region "SOUZOU (Creation)" Project ~ From Imagination to Creation ~

Bring Your Ambition Out in the City


2023 年 12 月 16 日(土)、12 月 17 日(日)に札幌駅前通地下広場(通称「チカホ」) で、北海道大学に在籍する博士(後期)課程学生が、自身の研究成果を活用し、SDGsに貢献する取組を1枚のポスターで発表していただきます。また、学会や研究会での発表とは異なり、市民や他分野の学生にも理解できるようなポスターを作成し、わかりやすく説明することが求められます。


This project is organized by Institute for the Advancement of Graduate Education, Hokkaido University.

On Saturday, December 16th and Sunday, 17th, 2023, at the Sapporo Ekimae-dori Underground Community Space (札幌駅前通地下広場; commonly known as "Chikaho"), doctoral course students at Hokkaido University will present a poster on their contribute to the SDGs by utilizing their own research activities. Unlike presentations at academic conferences or research meetings, students are required to create posters and explain about their researches to the public as well as students in other fields in an easy-to-understand manner.

Excellent poster presentation will be awarded the "Grand Prize," "Excellence Award," "SDGs Award," and other prizes.


We are looking forward to your application!













Due to the delay of the release of  app for research explanation, the deadline for video submission is extended though it was informed in the application guideline that further information will be provided when the app is available.

The new deadline and other specific details will be provided after the app becomes accessible.

*Please note that for poster data, the deadline for submission is November 10th.

Additionally, the video will be required to contain the following format, so please prepare as much as possible in advance.

Self-introduction (Profile photo, your title, name)

The theme you are currently working on (approximately 20 seconds)

What made you decide to work on this theme (approximately 20 seconds)

What you want to do in the future (approximately 20 seconds)

What is the uniqueness and attractiveness of the research theme (approximately 10 seconds)

※ログイン後に「既に回答済みです」と表示された場合は、画面左下にある「回答を編集」をクリックしてください。*If you see "「既に回答済みです」(You have already answered)" after logging in, please click "「回答を編集」(Edit Answer)" in the lower left corner of the screen.
*Before accessing the upload form on the ELMS Google, please log in to your ELMS Google account . By logging in to ELMS and accessing one of the G-Suites (Mail, Calendar, Drive) displayed on the left side of the screen, you are logged into your ELMS Google account.
※ELMSアカウントにログインしているにも関わらず、Googleフォームへのログインができない場合:同一のインターネットブラウザで違うGoogleアカウントを使用していた場合、当該アカウントの履歴(Cookie)が残っておりログインエラーが生じることがあります。ログインエラーが生じた場合は、他のGoogleアカウントから完全にログアウトし、履歴(Cookie)の削除をするか、違うインターネットブラウザからのアクセスをお試しください。*In cases you cannot access the Google Form in spite of logging in with your ELMS account: If you use a different Google account on the same Internet browser, the history (cookies) of another account may be retained, which may cause login errors. In such cases, please log out from other Google accounts completely and try deleting the history (cookies) or accessing the form on a different Internet browser.


【Poster Submission Period】Wednesday, November 1 to Friday, November 10, 2023


*Please refer to the application guidelines for details on how to apply.

【募集要項/Application Guidelines


(English)Application Guidelines 

*Students who have been selected for the AMBITIOUS Doctoral Fellowship (SDGs) are must participate unless there is a special reason not to, as it will be regarded as an achievement for the current academic year and evaluated highly in the review for the continuation of funding for the next year.



Poster FormatA
Poster FormatB 
Poster FormatC


Open to all doctoral course students at Hokkaido University.