Malta | 2025

Pre Conference Jan 23 | Main Conference Jan 24-25


ELMLE Malta - Navigate the Way

Join us on the magnificent island of Malta, January 23-25, 2025, for our 39th annual conference, ELMLE Malta - Navigate the Way.

Just as sailors have used their skills for millennia to navigate waters to Malta, our theme delves into the analogy that middle school is a navigational journey for our students. We will explore how we are engaging, supporting and empowering students to navigate social, emotional, physical, psychological and cognitive landscapes. The middle school transition mirrors a journey of self-discovery, an exploration of new territories within the self and others. Competencies and social skills emerge as the compass, guiding students to interact positively, build meaningful connections, and navigate conflicts. Join us to explore the many ways we design learning experiences and pathways to support our middle schoolers in navigating the complex seas of growing and learning, helping them as they plot their course and find their flow. 

Let’s continue our professional learning journey around supporting students to navigate adolescence for happiness and success during (and beyond) the formative middle school years!

The #ELMLEMalta Call for Presenters is OPEN

Grab a Sneak Peek! 

Follow the links to see our  Featured Speakers and our gorgeous conference hotel, The Hilton Malta. We will spend an inspiring weekend of networking and collaborating with other passionate Middle School educators like you! To get you even more excited, take a look at Lonely Planet's Must-see attractions in Malta and the Visit Malta website! This is one conference that you can not miss!

Logo designer, Hazel, shows off her winning design.

Love our Logo? We do too!

The votes are in, and the winning logo designer for our #ELMLEMalta 2025 conference is Hazel Chaeeun (Hazel) Kim. Hazel is a 7th grader at the American International School of Budapest. She'll receive an Amazon gift certificate (and eternal fame)! Her nominated teacher will receive a complimentary Pre-Conference registration to #ELMLEMalta.

In this real-world learning experience, students were asked to include the theme of the conference. As part of the design brief, they were provided with the HEX codes for the ELMLE colors and a vector copy of the official ELMLE logo to incorporate into the design. The ELMLE Steering Committee received more than 50 entries!