
Train up a child in the way he should go

and when he is old, he will not depart from it. <Proverbs 22:6>


就是到老他也不偏離。 <箴言 22:6>

A. Aim of A-Parent Education Academy (PEA) 家長學堂目的

The aim of the establishment of A-Parent Education Academy (PEA) is to provide various learning opportunities for every A-School parent to equip themselves with some parenting techniques towards positive communication and to understand more about their children’s emotion and stress, so as to build up a positive relationship with their child and among parents.

「家長學堂」設立的目的是提供學習機會予每一位A-School 的家長,與子女一同學習、一同進步,透過不同類型的講座及工作坊,增強與子女溝通及管教子女的能力,了解子女情緒和壓力,從而促進親子關係和加強家長之間的聯繫。

B. Purpose of PEA家長學堂目標

1. Learn how to build a positive parent-child relationship and enhance communication skills


2. Learn how to develop children's good character and self-management skills


3. Understand more about school’s curriculum and development


C. Curriculum Structure課程架構

"A-Parent Education Academy" - Requirement and Credit Scheme 「家長學堂」課程要求及學分計算方法

In order to encourage parents to actively participate in the "A-Parent Education Academy" activities, a credit scheme has been established as follows


Parents may choose any kinds of parent workshops or forums according to their needs and interests. The credits will be valid for the whole academic year.


The credits will be accumulated until August every year. Certificates of appreciation will be presented in the PTA AGM in coming October.


We expect each A-school family to be awarded a BRONZE certificate when their children are in primary school and secondary school respectively.


A PEA Handbook will be published to share the details of the program and the scheduled programs at the beginning of the school year.


A commendation ceremony will be held in June every year to appreciate our outstanding parent volunteers.


At PTA Annual General Meeting (AGM) in October every year, qualified PEA parents will receive certificates presented by school.


課程豐富,包括:PEA provides different home-school activities or parent education programs including:

Parent Education Workshop / Forum/ Sharing家長教育工作坊/座談會/分享會

Parent Education Conference家長教育研討會

Interest Class親子興趣班

Parent Volunteers家長義工

PTA activities 家教會活動
