SS Activities

SS- Sunflower Parent Workshops


In order to build up a positive home-school relationship, “Sunflower Parent Workshops” will be held to support parents in reviewing and consolidating the experiences about parenting. The secondary school stage is a milestone in the growth of independence of youth. Students are facing many problems in personal growth, such as dating and parent-child communication, dating issues, and doubts about selecting subjects of senior curriculum, etc. Parents may learn effective parenting skills through attending the workshops and participating in the sharing and discussion sessions. In addition, they can also learn how to foster positive family relationships and how to facilitate communication between the two generations. This series of workshops is one of the significant programmes of the A-Parent Education Academy. You are now sincerely invited to take part in the workshops.


25/02/2022(Fri) ; 25/03/2022(Fri) ; 29/04/2022(Fri)

(3 sessions in total) (共三節)

小組A 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. 晚上七時至八時三十分

小組B 7:15 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. 晚上七時十五分至八時四十五分

Group A Linkup Family Advance Course


25/02/2022 Friday 星期五

  • Everyone knows each other.

  • My expectations of being a parent and my experience of being a parent

  • Understand the impact of your own original family on how you raise your children.

  • 各人彼此認識

  • 起初想為人父母的期望、今天我作為父母的體驗與諸般感 受

  • 認識原生家庭對你教養子女的影響

25/03/2022 Friday 星期五

  • Understand the roles that you and your spouse play now and how to cooperate with each other.

  • Know what communication methods were used in your original family so that you could effectively communicate with your children.

  • 認識現在你及配偶扮演的角色及可如何配搭

  • 認知於原生家庭裡自己及家人採取甚麼溝通方式,以致今 天如何可有效與子女溝通

29/04/2022 Friday 星期五

  • How do you deal with emotions? How does your original family affect your handling of your children’s emotions?

  • Recognize your unfinished childhood dreams and unprocessed vulnerable emotions in your growth.

  • 你是如何處理情緒?原生家庭如何影響你處理子女的情 緒?

  • 認知你成長中未完的夢與未加處理情緒上的敏感地帶

Group A Linkup Family Advance Course

小組B「美滿婚姻與家庭」課程 :

25/02/2022 Friday 星期五

  • The Science of Love: From a scientific perspective to understand the nature of emotions and the importance of establishing intimacy.

  • Practice the communication method of “sympathy and empathy” (attunement) to establish an intimate relationship between husband and wife.

  • 愛情科學:從科學角度認識情緒的本質及對建立親密關係的重要

  • 練習「同情共感」(attunement)的溝通方法,建立親密夫妻關係

25/03/2022 Friday 星期五

  • Understand the attachment styles formed from childhood experiences and their influence on the relationship between husband - wife and parent-child.

  • Corresponding to different attachment styles, practice to establish a secure husband and wife relationship with a “COAL” attitude.

  • 認識自己從童年經驗中形成的依戀風格及其對夫婦、親子關係的影響

  • 對應不同依戀風格,練習以”COAL” 態度建立富安全感 的夫妻關係

29/04/2022 Friday 星期五

  • Positive conflict handling: understand the emotional reactions and needs behind the conflict, and respond appropriately

  • Practice the COAL attitude to deal with conflicts, which will increase the understanding of each other and enhance the relationship between husband and wife.

  • 正向衝突處理:了解衝突背後的情緒反應及需要,並作出適切回應

  • 練習以COAL態度處理衝突,從中增加對彼此的了解,增進 夫妻感情