Parent Education Conference 

(“Life Education in Family”) 

B. Parent Education Conference 家長教育研討會


Theme: Let Life Flow in the Family



Feedback from participating parents: 參與家長回饋

感謝家教會和家長學堂舉辦是次講座,講座內容讓我獲益良多。感謝陳博士的分享,其中一個真實個案分享,就是父母親手送孩子進精神科,這個例子令我非常深刻,亦令我覺得作為家長在無時無刻也需要反思。感謝森美作為家長的分享,讓我感到教養孩子的道路上是有同行者的,原諒自己的過錯,因為孩子也是透過經驗而長大的。(5D02 周浚楊)


Today's sharing from both speakers was very engaging and inspiring! I have learned a lot today. I was especially inspired by Sammy's sharing of how he learned from his mistakes to guide his kids along the process of pursuing their dreams. During the talk, I continuously reminded myself not to put too much pressure on my sons academically but to allow them more room to explore and expand on their interests. At the end of the day, academic records may not be the only measure of success. If one can pursue their interests, enjoy them, and excel in them, that's the ultimate goal.


Thanks for arranging today's event, and I really enjoyed it!


Wong Wai Ho Alex

From G 1B (29)