Senior Class Information

Senior year class of 2025 !

ALWAYS CHECK YOUR EMAIL! There will be many opportunities, events, and notices that will come to your email. You are responsible for checking and staying up to date.

Above all...Welcome to your senior year!

As you enjoy your senior experience, stay focused and connected.
Be on time and present every day!
We are here to help you stay on track for graduation and prepare for your transition to your post high school years.
Whether you are heading into the work force, military, technical school, or a 4 year university, we want you to take advantage of the available resources.  Register to take ACT, SAT, and the military ASVAB to identify your skills and abilities. Even if you are not going to college right now, you may change your mind in a few years, and it would be good to have these tests behind you.

Have a GREAT year!

Senior Superlative Applications 2024-2025

The Senior Superlative designation is a special recognition program where seniors are chosen based on a point system that weighs achievement in various categories of activities in grades 9-11: academic activities; competitive team activities; and elected, individual, and group activities. No 12th grade activities will be considered.

Applications will be available in the fall semester. 

Final selection is based on total points earned and is made by a faculty committee.

Selected students will be recognized in the 2024-2025  Eidolon

Senior Dues

Senior Dues are $25 and must be paid to Rhonda Driver in Room F-5 by November 22, 2024.  Cash, check, or money order will be accepted.   Your dues cover expenses for graduation and special events for the senior class. 

College App Wednesday

College App Wednesdays are BACK for the 24-25 school year!  These are designated days when SENIORS can work on their college applications and get help if needed.  Students are required to sign up for the sessions.  Check your email to sign up through a Google Form.