Tips for Teaching Letters and Sounds

Letter Sound Pronunciation

Teaching your child the correct pronunciation for each letter sound is critical to their reading development.

To hear the correct pronunciation for each letter sound, watch this video from Rollins Center for Language and Literacy.  

Name Puzzle

Write your child’s name on an index card (spacing out the letters); cut the letters apart; have your child put the letters in their name in order; say the letters; ask what each letter is in order and then out of order when ready; have a model for them to match the order if needed (remove this scaffold when able) 

Alphabet Beach Ball Toss

Write  uppercase or lowercase letters on the beach ball with a permanent marker.  Toss the ball to your child.  Have them tell you the letter and sound their thumb lands on.

What's the Sound?

  • Use picture cards or objects.  This is “moon”  Listen “mmmmmoon”  The first sound in “moon” is /mmmm/  What’s the first sound?  
  • Compare two first sounds (i.e. moon, man)  Do they have the same first sound?  Repeat with two different sounds (i.e. moon, cat) 
  • Riddles - I’m thinking of a word that starts with /mmmm/ and you see it up in the sky at night. 
  • "Let's find things around the house that have the first sound /mmmmm/"

Mystery Bags

Place two or three objects in a bag that conceals them.  Have your child pull out an object.  What is it?  What sound does it begin with?

Guess the mystery letter!

Sound Sorts

Choose two to three letters and find objects around the house that begin with those sounds.  Have your child say the word for each object and sort it by letter sound.  

Salt or Sugar Tray

Using a small baking sheet or a plate, pour just enough sugar or salt to cover the bottom of the container.  Have your child use their finger, or the eraser at the end of a pencil to write and say the name and/or sound of their letters!  

Chalk Letters

Write letters in chalk on your driveway, sidewalk, or outdoor area of choice, and give your child a spray bottle with water.  Name a letter and encourage your child to find it, say the name of the letter, and squirt it with water to 'check' it off!

Paint or Shaving Cream 

Using a tray, plate, or the top of a table, add shaving cream or whipped cream and allow your child to use their hands to spread it out in the designated area.  Have your child practice writing the letter in their name or other letters in the mix!


Add paint to a ziplock bag removing as much as as possible before sealing it.  Once the bag is sealed, allow your child to use their fingers to spread the paint out in the bag and use their finger to 'write' letters on the bag.