Janelle Jimenez


She paced around the room full discomfort

Dragging her feet back and forth

She sat back down and thought this isn't enough

She worked for all that she had but grateful and satisfied she never felt

She had it all many said, a beautiful house

A nice family and perfect body

But hunger was never satisfied

Hunger never felt right.


Ocean, Lakes, and Lagoons

Trying to escape it’s depths I drown in my own midnight thoughts

Misty mornings with a light drizzle

I stand in the shower letting the water run down my body and drip off my fingertips as last night thoughts pour back into my brain

Steam lifts off the mug as the small bag stains the water

I peer out of the window watching the racing droplets running down it’s pane matching the speed of the ones rolling down mine

The seasons seem to change but all is the same

A pool full of smiling kids splashes and play outside

As I conceal the redness on my face and reapply my makeup

No one will notice, no one ever did

But I'm just a bit tired, who wants water ice!