Responsible Decision Making

Responsible Decision-Making: The ability to make caring and constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions across different situations. This includes the capacity to consider ethical standards and safety concerns, and to evaluate the benefits and consequences of various actions for personal, social, and collective well-being.

Responsible Decision-Making Family Friendly Activities:

  • Innoventure Jr: Making Decisions - This short kid-friendly video explains how to make decisions and why having good decision-making skills is an important life skill to have.

  • Daily Routine Chart - Use this family-friendly daily tracking tool as a way to help older children structure their days in predictable ways and develop a sense of responsible decision making.

  • Making Tough Choices with Kid President - Watch this engaging video together as a family and then discuss the importance of making decisions, both easy and hard, as a skill we all use throughout our lives.

What are the benefits of SEL?

  • Improvement in students’ social and emotional skills, attitudes, relationships, academic performance, and perceptions of classroom and school climate

  • Long-term improvements in students’ skills, attitudes, prosocial behavior, and academic performance

  • Decline in students’ anxiety, behavior problems, and substance use