Grade 7 NCS


Dear grade 7 students,

On behalf of your grade 7 teachers we just want you to know that we currently know about as much as you in regards to how the rest of the school year will operate. That said, we are still in at work and we know that you may have questions and concerns regarding a number of things school related or otherwise. We are still your teachers and we will continue to support you all as best we can. If you have questions or concerns you can always E-mail us and we will try and get back to you as soon as possible. Use the question and concern E-mail from the contacts below.

As far as course work, you will have to stay tuned. When we know stuff you will know stuff. The school is currently trying to put together a schedule of when people can come and grab things from their locker and that will be communicated as soon as it's ready.

In the meantime if you find yourself bored you can always read, do some journalling and writing, or go on Khan Academy. Below are some links to some on-line learning websites. We have also included some information around supporting your mental well-being. Like we said, don't hesitate to E-mail us if you have questions. Again, we are still here to support you as best we can.

Learning websites:

Mental health support

Take care everyone,

Mr. Murray, Ms. Heck, Ms. Johnson, Ms. Pond, and Ms. Jennings

And until further notice, no Pizza on Fridays

Mr. Murray: use this for questions and concerns use this to share assignments with me

Mrs. Pond: - use this for questions and concerns. - use this to share assignments with me.

Ms. Heck: - use this for questions and concerns - use this to share assignments with me

Ms. Jennings: - use this for questions and concerns - use this to share assignments with me

Mrs. Johnson: - use this for questions and concerns - use this to share assignments with me