Heck/Murray Humanities

Information for Wednesday, April 1st!

Hello grade 7 students and families,

Thank you for taking the time to talk with us and fill out the survey over the last few days. It was great to start re-connecting with you and we are excited to stat online learning. We have had a bit of technical difficulties starting up this new learning experience and because of that we won’t be able to offer our virtual classroom sessions on Google Meet this week. We will be removing the links, but your teachers will still be online (through e-mail) from 12:30 until around 2:00pm today as well as tomorrow afternoon. If you are having trouble logging into D2L, or if you have any questions or concerns, you should be able to e-mail us and we can help you as best we can. We still want everyone to familiarize themselves with D2L by following the instructions we provided earlier.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Again, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We do check our e-mails often throughout the day.

D2L Website for online learning: https://d2l.cbe.ab.ca/d2l/home and then click into Heck- Humanities 7 to find the information.

March 30, 2020

Welcome Back!

Hi Grade 7s!

Hope you have all enjoyed your quiet Spring Break in this very different time.

Your teachers have been working hard to get things set up. Please keep an eye on your e-mail (students/parents) for a quick survey to fill out in the next day or 2.

More info will be coming out about the plan moving forward for curriculum and core subjects this week!

If you want to touch base before this, please feel free to send us an e-mail, we'd love to hear from you!

**If you have not submitted your Character Analysis yet, please share it to your humanities teacher on Google Drive (you can take a picture and send the picture through drive if you wrote it by hand!).**

Keep checking the blog and your e-mail.

Stay safe!

Hello to all our lovely humanities students,

Just a couple of things to keep in mind during these interesting times. Like we said on the main page, we are still your teachers and are here to support you. After spring break there will be on-line stuff, but we aren't really going to get into that just yet. Don't worry you will all be kept in the loop.

For now:

  • We will still be giving you a final mark so...
  • We are missing lots of those character analysis assignments. If you could submit those digitally to us that would be great. The Due date was Monday, and I know some of you may have to re-type it, but we would still like to get those in. Check Powerschool to see if you have marks. If you don't have marks we don't have it.
  • Reading logs: I have had a few questions, so to clarify, this is a great time to relax and read; however, until further notice you don't need to fill out reading logs for what you are reading.
  • What else can you be working on:
    • Journalling is a great way to practice writing, but can also be a way to relieve some stress. record your thoughts and feelings, and get creative. Some ideas are:
      • When this Pandemic is over what are your hopes for how the world can change positively
      • How powerful is the idea of community? What does it mean to be a part of a community?
      • How can we make sure we all look out for one another even if we can't always be with each other?
      • How has this Pandemic changed your perspective about (society, leadership, school, technology, life, friends, family our world)
      • You may want to write about fears or worries too, but I would encourage that if you write about something and it is negative you try and follow it up by writing something positive. It's Ok to be worried and feel down, but you can find the positive in bad situations and it is important to look for the positive so we don't get too down. Check this out: https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/diaper-donations-letters-to-seniors-and-groceries-calgarians-come-out-of-isolation-to-help-others-1.4858490
  • This journaling is not an assignment, but something you can do to pass the time while still working on writing. If you do it, you can keep it personal, or you can share it with us if you want to let us know how you are doing and what you are feeling. If you share it with us we may respond because we miss you and miss interacting with you, but it is up to you.

Please don't hesitate to contact us through E-mail if you have questions. We do check it throughout the day. More communication will be coming in the near future about what the next steps in on-line learning will be.

Take care and stay safe,

Mr. Murray and Ms. Heck

March 16, 2020

Character Analysis due TODAY!

Please submit your character analysis online, TODAY (this was your original due date anyways!)



More updates to come!

Mock-Message Assignment

Step 1: You must gather information for initial research from these 5 links:

1. Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project: https://www.coastalgaslink.com/

2. Wet’suwet’en hereditary subchief lashes out at Coastal GasLink: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/british-columbia/article-wetsuweten-hereditary-subchief-lashes-out-at-coastal-gaslink/

3. Five reasons why Canada’s ‘shutdown’ is a big deal:


4. Quebec premier calls for a federal ultimatum – end the blockades or else: https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/francois-legault-wetsuweten-ultimatum-to-protesters

5. Working to Achieve Compromise https://globalnews.ca/news/6616077/wetsuweten-government-agreement-lawyer/

Initial Research Questions

1. What is the Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project (CGLPP)? List 3 ways they plan to benefit Indigenous communities

2. Who is Freda Huson? Does she approve or disapprove of the CGLPP? Why or why not?

3. List 5 reasons for why Canada’s shutdown was a big deal

4. Why did the Quebec premier want the blockades to end?

5. Of these articles, what is the most recent update on the situation?

6. How might this relate to solidarity, equity, and compromise?

Copy of Lesson 1/2

March 6, 2020

Battle of the Plains of Abraham Reflection Questions

1. What are the similarities and differences between the NCS battle and the actual battle? (answer using a t-chart)

2. France won the NCS battle, how might that have changed Canadian history?

3. What are your thoughts on 18th century warfare? What does it show about European worldview and the 3G's?

** You will have a matching and multiple choice quiz on Monday, March 9th on the Battle of the Plains of Abraham AND Acadia (deportation). **

Keep in mind... you are writing individually first and then you will be given the opportunity to "re-write" the quiz with your table group. You will discuss the questions and come to a consensus on your answers. Read your notes and review this weekend as the quiz is NOT OPEN BOOK!


March 2, 2020

Battle of Plains of Abraham

Battle of the Plains of Abraham perspectives link:


February 24, 2020


Friday, February 28: Good copy of 5 Paragraph Essays

Monday, March 2: You should be done reading your novel (if you aren't already), in order to complete the novel study assignment on time.

Monday, March 2: Reading Log (if you have been working on your novel study assignment for the past month, you need to show your teacher what you have accomplished in order to be excused from this assignment. If you've been working on the novel study assignment for the past month, you should be able to hand it in on this date)

Monday, March 16: Independent Novel study #2: Character Analysis

Editing Checklist.docx

February 24, 2020

Editing Checklist

Follow the checklist for both peer and self editing over the next 2 days.

After each edit, rewrite your essay with the necessary revisions. Repeat the process at least twice.

5 Paragraph essay rubric.docx

February 21, 2020

Essay Rubric

Please review the rubric for your essays which are due this week!

February 18, 2020

Social Media Essay Outline/Planning

Schedule for essay writing:

  • Tuesday, February 18: begin writing outline (you should finish up to paragraph 3 if your class time was used wisely)
  • Wednesday, February 19: complete writing outline
  • Thursday, February 20: begin writing rough copy of essay
  • Friday, February 21: continue writing rough copy of essay (ROUGH COPIES DUE MONDAY!!!!)
  • Monday, February 24: self editing and revisions of rough copy
  • Tuesday, February 25: peer editing and revisions of rough copy
  • Wednesday, February 26: work on good copy
  • Thursday, February 27: continue working on good copy


Reading Log #6: Due Monday, March 2!

February 12, 2020

Social Media Essay

Over the past 2 days, students began making a t-chart with pros and cons, as well as reading through articles about the positive and negative effects of social media.

Students will begin working on a 5 paragraph essay. This will be a work in progress over the next couple of weeks as we work through the essay writing steps.

Today we looked at the topic and introduced how to write a thesis statement.

Why is social media good or bad?

Thesis statement

  • clearly answers the big question
  • sets the direction for the rest of the essay
  • tells the reader what to expect

**We are currently focused on the introduction and thesis**

Using your pros and cons chart, you will pick a side (good or bad) and use points from that side of the chart to create "categories" which form your thesis statement. These "categories" in your thesis will then be the topic for each of your body paragraphs.

1. What side are you on? CHOOSE A SIDE

2. Find some categories (you need 3!!)

3. Create a thesis statement

Social media is _________________ because ____________, __________________ and __________________.

Example of a thesis statement from class.

Why should NCS get a cafeteria?

Pros: people would be happy --> improve school culture

  • make money for the school --> economic opportunity
  • healthy for students --> improve student health

Cons: class sizes would increase

  • more supervision for teachers

Nose Creek School should get a cafeteria because it would improve school culture, provide economic opportunity and increase student health.

February 6, 2020

What is the Great Deportation Happened Today?

Social Media Assignment

You are responsible for completing:

  • 2 tweets (1-2 sentences and hashtags)
  • 1 Instagram post (4-5 sentences and hashtags with your illustration detailed and colored)
  • All of your posts should contain hashtags related to the point of view of your role!
  • Have fun with it! Demonstrate your knowledge of the deportation and show that you understand the facts/details
  • Make sure your role is clear to your readers!


Due: Monday, February 10th!

Great Deportation

Assignment Sheet and templates

Great Deportation Social Media Assignment rubric.docx



Instagram Template

Twitter template.pdf

Twitter Template

January 4, 2020

The Great Deportation

Today we began looking at The Great Deportation.

Please use the article below to help fill out your note catcher. The assignment will be introduced tomorrow.



February 3, 2020

Acadia notes

These notes will help prepare you for the upcoming assignment. If you were away, please copy them down.

Visual Journal Rubric.docx.pdf

January 27, 2020

Visual Diary Entries

Editing and revisions were done today in class.

Good copy work will begin tomorrow!


  • good copies will be completed in visual journals
  • written and visual for each entry
  • visuals must be detailed and colored (they need to relate to the written)
  • no errors in writing for good copies!

January 23, 2020

Editing Checklist

As you begin to complete your rough copies, here is the editing check list to follow! We will be working on editing and revisions Monday!

Self Edit

  • underline words spelled incorrectly: look them up after editing and fix them! If you're still unsure on spelling, ask someone.
  • punctuation
  • fluency/grammar: read your diary entries out loud! (check for run on sentences and sentence fragments)
  • after reading your entries all together... does your story make sense? Is it complete? (character motivation and changes throughout, setting, conflict and resolution and theme)

Peer Edit

  • follow the same list as the self edit.
  • make sure you edit in a different color in order for the writer to see the changes!

A quick reminder that your next reading log is due Thursday, January 30th!

January 21, 2020

Visual Diary Entries... Day #2!

Today, students began writing their rough copies for their diary entries, to tell their story.

The first entry, should introduce the character motivations and setting. The following entries will continue to tell the story (follow your plot diagram!!!). Focus on the written portion for your rough copies and just make a note of what you will draw for the visual.


Tuesday, Jan 21- Thursday, Jan 23: Rough copies

Monday, January 27: editing and revisions

Tuesday, January 28- Thursday, January 30: good copy work and completion!

Keep in mind..

  • you need a minimum of 5 entries and a maximum of 10 entries
  • each entry will include 1-2 paragraphs (6-8 sentences each) AND a visual

January 20, 2020

Visual Diary Entries

Students began planning for their diary entries, which will tell a story from the perspective of their choice.

While Jake Sully in Avatar kept VLOGs of his journey to Pandora, students in grade 7 will create a story of their choosing, which tells of their own journey to an unknown world and a conflict they face.

Your guideline for planning is attached above!

January 14, 2020


Yesterday, we began watching Avatar.

If you are absent this week, please watch the film and copy the note catcher onto a piece of paper and fill it in.

This will help you with the assignment for next week!

Public Service Announcements

January 7, 2020

PSA Assignment

Public Service Announcements were introduced yesterday.

Recordings will happen THURSDAY and will be presented on FRIDAY, January 10!

Novel Study #2- Character Analysis
character analysis rubric.docx

January 6, 2020

Character Analysis

This is the 2nd independent novel study of the year!

It will be due Monday, March 16, 2020.

You should aim to have your novel read by the end of February, in order to give yourself class time to work on the assignment.

Your next reading log is due Thursday, January 30, 2020.

Parent letter for upcoming film study:

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

As part of developing cross-curricular understanding, the grade 7 students will be viewing the film Avatar (2009). This film explores several issues related to the ELA, social studies, and science curriculums.

In particular this film will compliment the following curricular outcomes from science, social studies, and ELA:

- Investigate and describe relationships between humans and their environments, and identify related issues and scientific questions

- Describe the relationships among knowledge, decisions and actions in maintaining life-supporting environments

- Compare the choices and behaviours of characters portrayed in oral, print and other media texts with those of self and others

- Identify and explain conflict, and discuss how it develops and may be resolved

- Understand issues from different points of view

- Appreciate the challenges of co-existence among peoples

- Understand the following concepts and terms (assimilation, colony, demographics, immigration, imperialism, settlement)

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the Motion Picture Association of Canada rates this film PG. It is rated PG for “intense epic battle sequences and warfare, sensuality, language and some smoking” (IMBD). We understand parents and guardians want to make the best choices for their children in terms of the media they view, and we hope this information helps you make an informed decision.

We are using this film for educational purposes. We hope it generates thoughtful discussion, and is an engaging way to form cross-curricular understanding. That said, if you do not want your child to view this film please let your Grade 7 humanities teacher know by Monday January 13, 2020 and alternate arrangements can be made. If you have further questions or concerns please feel free to contact the Grade 7 team leader Mr. Murray (brdmurray@cbe.ab.ca).


Bradley Murray

Grade 7 Team Lead


(403) 817-3360

CC: Catherine Shellenberg, Principal

Have a GREAT Break!

Wishing you and your families a fantastic winter break! Rest up Grade 7's... you deserve it!

See you all back on January 6th.

December 18, 2019

7-1/7-3... please complete the following questions for "Front Desk" for tomorrow, as you had less time in class to complete since we finished reading the book today.

Front Desk wrap-up questions

1. What themes were present in Front Desk? Give examples.

2. What were your thoughts about Mia in the beginning of the book and how did that change over time?

3. What are some SPECIFIC examples of bullying that you read about throughout the book? How do you think the bullying could have been addressed?

4. How did you feel when the book ended? What do you think will happen next? (Write the next part of the novel if it were to continue, minimum of 5 sentences) --> If you were absent today, write 5 sentences on how you would want the novel to end!

December 13, 2019


Persuasive paragraph ROUGH drafts should be completed for Monday, as we will be self and peer editing the rough copies. Then...revisions begin!

Good copies will be due on Wednesday! You will have the class on Tuesday to complete your good copies.

December 10, 2019

Case Study: Persuasive Paragraphs

Please read through each of the case studies below. Once you have read each of them, choose which one interests you most.

You will then begin planning to write in the perspective of the role given in the question.

  • Take notes as you re-read the case study you have chosen
  • Choose a point of view/opinion to write from
  • Begin writing a rough draft of your persuasive paragraphs (3 total)

You will be given time throughout the next few days to read the case studies, take notes on your chosen case study, write a rough draft, revise and edit (more than once!), and write a good copy.

Remember... this takes time! Don't rush through it. Follow the process.

**You will be handing in your notes, rough copy/copies with edits and revisions, as well as your good copy next week!**

1. Introduction: problem

  • explain topic and issue (1 sentence)
  • who are the STAKEHOLDERS/audience (1 sentence)
  • what is your plan/solution --> 2-3 arguments (2-3 sentences)

2. Why it will work?

  • include MULTIPLE reasons and explanations (Use OREREO)

3. How will it benefit stakeholders?

  • This is where you show us you know your role as the political leader
  • Make sure you address multiple points of view
  • If people aren't going to be happy with your plan how can you still convince them to accept your plan (you cannot make everyone happy)
  • include a concluding sentence

OREREO method (you can use this for each of your paragraphs)

O: opinion stated clearly

R: reason you feel your opinion is correct

E: example that supports your opinion with more details

R: reason you feel your opinion is correct

E: example that supports your opinion

O: opinion restated with enthusiasm

Case Studies for Persuasive Paragraphs

Fur Trade Quiz Friday December 13

The quiz will be open book. You can bring any notes you made when making your visual, and any other study notes you make. Below is a very specific list of things to know for the quiz. There will not be specific questions about the phases of the fur trade. You will be expected to analyze sources and make informed decisions. The test will be multiple choice.

Here is the link again: https://gpms7ab.weebly.com/uploads/3/8/8/1/38819307/chapter-4-the-fur-trade.pdf

  • Know the who the courier de bois are, whether they operated legally or illegally.
  • Know the difference between First Nations technology and goods and European technology and goods
  • Review the French-Haudenosaunee War
  • Know who the Jesuit Missionaries were, and why First Nations would convert to christianity
  • Review the different companies (Hudson's Bay Company, North West Company) and First Nations/Metis perspective towards them. Also, know which European country dominated the Fur trade and when.
  • Know the Geography (Map) of the St. Lawrence River, and the location of the fur trading towns (See pg. 110)
  • Review the Metis role in the fur trade

Here is a 5 question practice quiz:

Fur Trade quiz sample question

December 4, 2019

Chapter 4: The Fur Trade

Over the next 3 days, you will be working both individually, and in a group, to create a visual timeline of the Fur Trade.

Each student will be assigned a "section" of chapter 4. It is your responsibility to:

  • https://gpms7ab.weebly.com/uploads/3/8/8/1/38819307/chapter-4-the-fur-trade.pdf
  • read your entire section and take notes (Wednesday)
  • design a rough copy visual that represents what you have learned (Wednesday/Thursday)
  • revise your rough copy after discussing with your group (Thursday)
  • create a good copy of your visual (Friday)
  • be prepared to present (you will be given a couple minutes to stick your visuals to the timeline), with your group, what you learned! (Monday)

**If you were absent, chose to read either Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4 or Phase 5 in the chapter and then complete the above steps of taking notes and creating a visual**


  • Make up quiz for Colonies of North America is AT LUNCH, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5th!
  • Book cubes are due Monday, December 9th (with a rubric)

Make up quiz

There will be a make up quiz on Thursday December 5 at lunch, for those who do not like their marks on this open book quiz. The make up quiz will not be open book, but we will go over the notes in class today and that gives you a couple of days to study. For those of you who did not do so well on the quiz: Please remember to ensure you are checking the blog if you are away, and that class time is used effectively, as we had 3 days and the weekend to complete the designated sections, which could be used on the quiz. If there is something you are not getting please ask. Ms. Heck and Mr. Murray are often available outside of regular instructional hours to help.

December 2. This week, we will continue talking about New France. Students did their open book quiz today, and we will go over the different roles and structure of New France tomorrow. The next topic we will cover is the Fur Trade.

Important due dates:

  • Reading Logs were due today.
  • Book Cube book reports are due next Monday December 9th

Quiz and Early colonies update:

  • Thank you for working well the last couple of days. You will get about 30 minutes on Friday to work on your notes from Chapter 3: Early Colonies. Your quiz will be on Monday December 2, and it will be open book- you will use your note booklet to help you answer the questions, which will come directly from your notes (10 short answer questions).

Reading logs due Monday December 2nd: It is very important you tell your teacher if you have been working on your book cube for the month so we can exempt the mark and not put in a 1. Please keep in mind if you asking for an exemption it means you have been working on your book cube for the entire month of November, and you should be able to show us a quality book cube to get the exemption.

Early Colonies Chapter 3: We will use this for the next few days. There will be a quiz on this material and what we have been talking about the last couple of weeks either Friday or Monday (Depends on level and quality of work over the next couple of days)


Use the link above for the information and there is a note catcher booklet below. This booklet will be provide in class, but if you are away you can print it off at home.

Colonies in North America

November 20, 2019

If you were absent from class today (or this week), make sure you have the following ready to hand in on Monday...

**Explorers notes (see below)

**A 1-2 paragraph analysis, using your notes, to answer the question "How did the Age of Exploration impact and change the world?"

November 15, 2019

The Age of Exploration!

Yesterday we talked about why explorers went out to find new routes to India and Asia, as well as the 3 G's, which you should be able to explain if you're asked (wink, wink, hint, hint).

Over the next couple of days, you're going to "explore" (ba dum sss) more in depth about individual explorers and their motivations to sail.

The information sheet you need to fill out is attached to this post.

Keep in mind that the important information is all about what they did on their exploration voyages. While filling out your note sheet, focus on:

  • Who did they meet?
  • What land did they claim?
  • What were they looking for?
  • Which country did they claim land for?

These are the links you should use to find the information. You don't need to use any other websites, all the information you need will be there if you READ carefully.



Your note sheet is due at the beginning of class Wednesday! These notes will help you with your next written assignment, so make sure they are complete!


November 14, 2019

European Worldview

Today we had a discussion about the Europeans' worldview and compared them to the First Nations' worldview.

This prepares us to start taking a closer look at EXPLORERS tomorrow.

Reading Log revamped!
Book Cube Report

November 14, 2019

Reading Log #3 and Book Cube!


Students have been silent reading each humanities class since the beginning of September. After each silent reading, students fill out a reading log (see attached). These are collected once a month.

Reading Log #3 is due MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2019.

Book Cube (novel study assignment) is due MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2019.

If you have been working on your novel study assignment for the majority of November, please make sure you talk to your teacher as reading logs will not be fully completed and a note will be made.

The reading log template (which can be printed at home) and novel study assignment (this page needs to be handed in with your book cube) have been attached to this blog post.

November 4, 2019

First Nations Wrap-up

Today as a class, we reviewed First Nations worldview and created a mind-map.

Tomorrow, we will begin learning about the Europeans!

Terrible Path Quiz

October 30, 2019

Due Date Reminders!

Due TOMORROW, October 31:

  • Reading log (4-6 entries minimum, don't forget to follow the template and include all details)
  • Terrible Path graphic novel page (visual) AND written response (refer to the assignment in the last post, as all of the questions are listed there)
  • Terrible Path quiz
    • 5 questions, all short answer (you will have a copy of the poem for the quiz)
    • refer to the sample question shown in class today and the 1, 2, 3, 4 standards
The Terrible Path Graphic Novel Assignment (1).docx

October 23, 2019

The Terrible Path

Yesterday we started an assignment which involves interpreting a poem, into an image (of varying media).

The assignment and rubric is posted. We will continue to look at this throughout this week and we'll discuss the rubric in the coming days.

Students will each turn a stanza from the poem into a graphic novel page.

Rough Copy: Due Monday, October 28

Conversation with Teacher: Friday, October 25 (this will be a check-in to see how you're understanding of your stanza is and what your interpretations for visual are)

Good Copy: Due Thursday, October 31

Quiz: Thursday, October 31

October 18, 2019

Alma Short Film

Watch this short film (especially if you were absent today!) in order to begin filling out the poetry template.

Alma Poetry Template

Poetry Template

This template will be used to create a descriptive poem, including figurative language, mood and story line from the short film Alma.

Come prepared Monday with creative ideas! We will watch the film once more and then you can let your imagination take over!

Song Analysis rubric.docx

October 18, 2019

Song Analysis

Students listened to the song "Most People are Good" by Luke Bryan, today in class.

The guiding question was "What is the overall message/theme of the song?"

This question was answered in 1-2 paragraphs, 8-10 sentences each. Keep in mind... you need to use evidence (specific lyrics) to back up your point of view on the theme.


You need to listen/watch/read and explain what the song means. You have to use evidence (lyrics) from the song to support your conclusions. If you have five or more pieces of support, that is excellent. If you use four, that's good. Two-three is basic and if you only have one supporting lyric, that's limited.

Figures of Speech Rubric (2)
Figures of Speech Visual Journal

October 9, 2019

Figures of Speech Assignment!

This assignment will be worked on in class through the process of rough copies, editing/revising and then producing a final copy in each students' visual journal.

Be creative!

Use your imagination!

This assignment is due on Thursday, Oct 17!

Figurative language

October 8, 2019

Here are the notes from today!

Grade 7 Figurative Language.ppt

October 7, 2019

First Nations Wrap-up!

In order to wrap up the research project, you will need to think as an anthropologist (someone who studies people and their cultures).

Write one paragraph (8-10 sentences) about what First Nations life was like before Europeans arrived (pre-contact). This is based on the presentations given by you and your classmates (You should have notes from the presentations to refer to!)

You’ll have to think critically about the different groups and why their culture is the way it is! Be detailed in your examples and include different First Nations groups in your response.

This response is due tomorrow, October 8th!

October 2, 2019

Upcoming dates!

  • A reminder that your groups' First Nations presentation is due TOMORROW (October 3, 2019)
  • Your first reading log is due FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2019 (It should be one page, front and back, fully detailed)
First Nations Assignment
Research presentation schedule.docx

September 26, 2019

First Nations Assignment

Presentations will begin on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2019!

  • Groups will have a week to work on research, creating presentations and practicing.
  • Use your handout to follow the research guide (areas to research)
  • Be creative with your presentation! Use your groups' strengths
  • Here is a site to get started with
  • Ensure you are keeping track of the schedule so your group is aware of tasks to be completed each day

September 24, 2019

First Independent Novel Study Assignment

Your first reading log is due FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4th!

This assignment will be due on MONDAY, DECEMBER 9th!

Students should have their books finished by the second last week of November, at the latest.

Book Cube Report
Reading Log revamped!

September 17, 2019

Elements of Story

Here are the notes and the writing assignment for elements of story. The assignment is on the last slide. Working with fiction throughout the year, and as you progress from grade to grade, this will be important foundational knowledge. Here are some outcomes from the program of study:

  • compare the choices and behaviours of characters portrayed in oral, print and other media texts with those of self and others
  • analyze how plot develops; the connection between plot and subplot; and the interrelationship of plot, setting and characters
  • identify and explain conflict, and discuss how it develops and may be resolved
  • discuss connections among plot and subplot, main and supporting characters, main idea and theme in a variety of oral, print and other media text

Elements of Story