Outdoor School

Thursday, February 6

We have made it back! Your children are probably tired but excited to tell you all about their week.

Please check your child's belongings to make sure they actually belong to them- we've had a few items go missing including a blue and black sleeping bag in a black sleeping bag carry-bag. We also have a huge, black garbage bag full of lost and found items that we will get students to browse through on Friday.

Thank you to all the parent volunteers for your help with this trip- we couldn't have done it without you!

Wednesday, Feb 5

What a great week everyone has had. Closer relationships, a renewed appreciation for nature and Indigenous stories and culture, and unforgettable experiences. We know our students have had a great time, and are ready to come home, but at the same time, there were a lot of sad faces today, as they knew this was the end. What an incredible experience.

Tuesday, February 4

Day 2! Everyone survived their first night. The kids did great. Today, some groups went on a long and windy exploration of the forests and landscapes around the Camp, while others played in the challenge course, played drama games, or participated in other games like predator vs prey. We had an amazing beef stew for dinner and tonight we are going on a night walk to look at the trees and stars. Everyone is having a great time - We love camp!!!

Kratos lives here!

Monday, February 3

Well it's been a long day and the kids are finally in bed, the teachers are finally in their lodges, and counsellors are working the night shift! Kids spent a lot of time outdoors today, playing games, team building, and exploring. Lunch (meatball subs) dinner, (bangers and mash), and late night snack (brownies) were thoroughly enjoyed by all! Wifi here is extremely slow and Google Sites isn't the best platform for sharing images but please enjoy what we've managed to pull together!

Please note: We will be returning to school on Thursday around 2pm. You are not required to pick up your child then. We will stay at school until the regular dismissal time of 3pm.

pizza man.mp4



D-I-S-C-O, that's the way!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 2

Tomorrow is the big day! Nothing has changed since last week and therefore there are no more updates to post except that the bus drivers have asked us not to tie our sleeping bags to our luggage/bags. This will just make it easier to load the bags on the bus. Give your family a big hug and a kiss, and we will see you tomorrow morning in the gym!

Update for Monday morning!

Students were notified of their daytime groups, nighttime groups, and bus groups today. We can remind students of these groups on Monday morning.

Busses will be here on Monday morning around 9am. ALL students, including those NOT going to Outdoor School will meet in the small gym at 8:30am when the bell goes. From there, we will take attendance and students who are staying behind will go with their teacher.

For students coming to Outdoor School:

  • please make sure you have all your medications in a ziploc bag with your name on it, the dosage, and time of day to be taken. Give the bag to your homeroom teacher who is going on the bus on Monday (either Ms Ocampo, Ms Macdonald, Ms Goddard, or Mr Kassem).
  • you MUST bring a book to read for the week (or many books! or magazines, etc!)
  • you should bring a personal journal/diary to document your week (we will be journalling no matter what, but if you can/want to bring your own special journal, you may/should- Dollar Store!)
  • bring along some pencils/sharpeners/pencil crayons/erasers, etc to work in your journal
  • you may want to bring your own deck of cards, or small travel games

Current forecast for Exshaw! Click picture to see more

Check this page for updates and pictures during our week away!

Keep an eye on the weather in Exshaw: https://www.theweathernetwork.com/ca/weather/alberta/exshaw It keeps getting warmer!

Important Outdoor School Information...

Outdoor school permission forms and payment were due FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 2020. We still have a staggering amount of payments due and would like to remind you that if you would like to apply for a subsidy, NO ONE is denied, but the forms MUST be handed in by Thursday, January 30. After this, it is too late to apply, as we must submit all applications to Camp Chief Hector upon our arrival. Please contact Ms Ocampo: ahocampo@cbe.ab.ca for subsidy forms.

We ask that you please check your balance on PowerSchool, sign the acknowledgement of risk forms, and send back with your child as soon as possible! Only 1 week till we go!