6-3 & 6-4

Ms Goddard and Ms Ocampo

kamerlo@cbe.ab.ca ahocampo@cbe.ab.ca

Prodigy class code: 291058

Chapter 3 - Ancient Athens

Direct Vs Representative


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  • Log into D2L using your student number and password
  • Look around and check it out. Find and pay attention to:
    • The top right corner where you will receive notices about new posts and announcements.
    • Content, lessons and assignments are on the left hand side.
    • The discussion board can be found at the top.
    • Go to Content and find this week’s instructions/assignments

Tuesday March 17th

6-3 and 6-4 Parents/Guardians

Parents/guardians have been asked to come in depending on the time slot allotted to them, to pick up their child's belongings from their lockers. When doing so can all 6-3 and 6-4 students please send with their parent or guardian their visual journals and writing journals. There will be a bin labelled 6-3 and 6-4 in the front foyer for you to drop off these items. Please make sure to follow the scheduled time for you to pick up your child's belongings.

First Letter - Last Name Date to Enter NCS. Time to Enter NCS

A to C March 17, 2020 9:00-11:30AM

D to I March 17, 2020 12:30-3:00PM

J to O March 18, 2020 9:00-11:30AM

P to S March 18, 2020 12:30-3:00PM

T to Z March 19, 2020 9:00-11:30AM

Monday March 16

Hello students! Ms Goddard and I just wanted to put a quick update on our blog to let you know that- well, right now we don't really know much. The announcement to cancel classes was made at 4:30 yesterday so teachers still have a lot to figure out. We will be having a staff meeting this morning, but it may take some time to iron out details.

Some parents have been asking about the study guides for the PATs. These have been ordered, but haven't arrive yet. We will ask about this to figure out how to get them to you. There are also free resources for PAT studying through the public library, and we will get the links for you as well. We know that PATs are cancelled, but these study guides are also a great resource to review or learn grade 6 curriculum. We will also find out about locker cleanouts and if there is going to be some kind of system for letting kids into the school in small groups to clean out lockers.

We didn't expect that this was going to happen and it sucks that we didn't get a chance to say goodbye (temporarily). Send us an email to say hello! Stay healthy out there...

Math/Sci March 9-13


This week, students reviewed concepts in prime and composite numbers, prime factorization, multiples, factors, the order of operations, and operations with decimals. We also started a bit of PAT review this week and we will continue to practice mental math and non calculator-type questions on a weekly basis. For next week, it is business as usual unless we hear otherwise. In math, we will continue to practice skills in graphing, as part of our data analysis and probability unit.

In science, we finished up our evidence and investigation unit. All work in your visual journals is due yesterday! Marks will slowly go up on Powerschool throughout the week.

Next week is spirit week at Nose Creek!

Monday: Hawaiian Day (wear your favourite Hawaiian get-up)

Tuesday: St. Patrick's Day (go green!)

Wednesday: Disney Day (I know you can figure this out)

Hum Mar 9-13

This week in humanities, we continued working with poems. Students created diamante, acrostic and headline poems, while incorporating the use of figurative language. Students did some research on how decisions were made in Ancient Athens. Student should be able to describe the 3 pillars of democracy for ancient Athens: the assembly, council of 500 and the court.

Diamante Poems

Line A: Topic A (must be a noun)

Line B: Two vivid adjectives that describe Topic A

Line C: Three interesting “-ing” action verbs that describe Topic A

Line D: Two concrete nouns about Topic A and two about Topic G

Line E: Three interesting “-ing” action verbs that describe Topic G

Line F: Two vivid adjectives that describe Topic G

Line G: Topic G (must be a noun)

Math/Science, March 2-6

We are getting ready to wrap up our very large unit on fractions, ratios, decimals and percent. Here is a quick recap of what we've been discussing and practising in class! We will need to realize the relationships between these concepts for our cumulative project for this unit: creating a floor plan for a space of your choice. These assignments were due TODAY- why do I have so many that have not been handed in? Marks are slowly going up on Powerschool as the weekend goes by.

In Science, we continue our work with independent work stations to learn about different aspects of evidence and investigation. The reflection on the "Footprints in the Snow" lab was due YESTERDAY- why do I have so many that are incomplete? Marks for these are also up on Powerschool.


This week in humanities we continued our research in Ancient Athens. Students should understand the difference between citizens, metics and slaves and know the roles, responsibilities and rights that these individuals held. Along with gender roles in Ancient Athens. We started working with poems and using the different types of figurative language within our poems. This week we worked on Haiku's and Limerick's.

Math/Science, Feb 24-28

Fractions quizzes went home today (Wednesday, February 26). Students were advised to review concepts on the test that they didn't do so well on, and figure out where they went wrong. Check out Khan Academy or Prodigy for some help online! Students were also told to take the test home, get it signed, and bring it back. Marks and comments are also up on Powerschool.

We have been working with equivalent ratios. Students have been given different opportunities to explore ratios including explicit instruction, group problem solving, independent practice questions, and entry/exit slips. Here is an example you can work on with your child to explore equivalent ratios at home! The key to understanding this type of question is understanding that each term in the ratio has common factors. What are these common factors?? A good way to start is by halving and doubling the terms in the ratio.

Humanities, Feb 24 - 28

This week in Humanities, we have been working figures of speech. Students made a foldable with 8 figures of speech. These foldables should be kept in their duotangs to use for future reference. Students practiced finding figurative language in stories and practiced writing their own figures of speech. We continued working with Ancient Athens. Students role played citizens, metics, citizens wives and slaves to help understand the roles and responsibilities of each.

Field Trip: March 12

Grade 6's are going to the Safety Expo on Thursday, March 12 at City Hall. This field trip is completely free and we will have our very own city transit busses coming to pick us up! Parent volunteers are needed and wanted! Please email us if you'd like to come

Math/Science, Feb 18-21

Unit tests in Flight, Air, and Aerodynamics have gone home and marks for this test as well as for the "foldable" are up on Powerschool.

We had a pretty busy week in math and science! We started our new unit in Evidence and Investigation by investigating footprints in the snow. We measured the depth of prints, and stride of the walker/runner, then talked about different peices of information you can gather by looking at footprints.

In math, we have moved into ratios. Fractions, ratios, and percents make up the unit we are currently working on.

Humanities Feb 18-21

This week in Humanities, we started a new unit on Ancient Athens. Students did research on Greece and the type of government they have. We reviewed the pillars of democracy and focused on what the definition of fairness is. Students should be able to define fairness and be able to know the difference between equality. Students have also been working on how to use a dictionary and thesaurus. We have been practicing adding new vocabulary to our sentences.

Our classes also spent some time today reviewing the options courses that are available for grade 7. Students wrote down some choices they are interested in and the document with the courses is attached below. Please review your child's choices with them over the weekend, as next week, we will be logging into our powerschool accounts to add our selections for next year!

Complementary Course Descriptions 2020-21.docx

Math/Science, Feb 10-12

Between science fair, the preparation of report cards, outdoor school and the short week this week, it's been tricky to squeeze in all of the curriculum lately! We have been trying to work with fractions, including recognizing mixed numbers and improper fractions, converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions, and comparing and ordering fractions usings estimation and number lines. We will practice with fractions for 1 more day (Tuesday) before moving on to ratios, so I highly recommend printing off the attached practice sheets to be sure that you know what you're doing! On Tuesday (after Family Day), we will have a quick review, and then a mini-quiz to see where we're at with fractions.

In science, we have wrapped up our unit of air, flight, and aerodynamics and capped off our work with a movie. Next week we will start our new unit: Evidence and Investigation. More on that to come as we start to dig into the concepts!

practice with fractions.pdf

Humanities Jan 27-30

This week in humanities we wrapped up our unit on provincial government with students writing the unit test. This week, we have been focusing on finishing up our group novel studies along with focusing on adding detail and new vocabulary to our writing. Hope students are ready to go and excited for outdoor school on Monday! Those not going to outdoor school are still meeting in the gym Monday morning for PE!

Math/Sci Jan 20-24

This was a very busy and productive week in science as we finished our projects and presented them to our school community. Parents, students, and teachers spend a lot of time in the gym evaluating, asking questions, and marvelling over all of the creativity on display. Next week we will get back into our regular math/sci routine with a return to fractions, and the study of flight including the movements of an airplane. We will also continue discussions around outdoor school and how to be prepared. A reminder that Friday, January 31 is a PD day and there will be no school for students.

Humanities Jan 20-24

This week in humanities we wrapped up our campaign projects. Students presented their posters/brochures and then were part on the 6-3/6-4 election. Students voted on who they wanted to be Calgary NE new MLA. We used the results from the election to practice writing a news article. Students should be able to tell you all the elements of a news article and the correct order those elements need to go in. The news articles are due on Monday, Jan 27th. Don't forget to study for the Provincial Government unit test. The test will be on Monday, Jan 27th!

Results of the 6-3 and 6-4 Election

6- 3 6-4

Karen B 1 Gruigi Gruigi 10

Alberta Liberal Party Alberta Liberal Party

Nicko Trout 3 Weeble Bean 1

Alberta New Democratic Party Alberta New Democratic Party

Jimmy Newtron 7 Tyler-Jay Lott 5

United Conservative Party Green Party of Alberta

Dr. Green Munchkin 6 Ryoga Sim

Green Party of Alberta United Conservative Party

Butter Toast Icy Muffins 1 UwUvin Mcyeetmeh 8

Alberta Advantage Party Freedom Conserative Party

Pink Leaf Lannatte Eacotte 1

Alberta Party Independent

Nukalurk Peter Greene 2

Independent Alberta Advantage Party

Zoe Smith 5

Reform Party of Alberta

Math/Sci Jan 14-17

We've had lots of absences this week due to the chilly temperatures outside so I have attempted to put up some of the assignments we worked on all week.

Science: comparing birds flight capabilities to airplanes: https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/embeds/15-wings-for-flight

Parts of an airplane: Topic 3, lesson 2: http://www.learnalberta.ca/content/setf/html/StudentResource/source/Welcome.html

Math: converting mixed numbers to improper fractions and back- see practice sheet below

Practice websites:

Pacman game: http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/fractions/mathman_improper_fractions.htm

Scorpion maze: https://www.turtlediary.com/game/mixed-numbers-into-improper-fractions.html

Math practice.pdf

Math/Sci: Jan 6-10

This week in science, we started off by reviewing concepts around air pressure. We made observations, inferences, and conclusions on an experiment conducted by Ms Ocampo on what happens to an empty water bottle as it changes altitude in an airplane. We then practiced drawing scientific labelled diagrams in order to explore the adaptations of birds and insects that allow them to fly. Students should be DONE these 2 items!

In math, we started a new unit in fractions, ratios, and decimals. We looked at the difference between improper fractions and mixed numbers. Next week we will get into converting between the two, and comparing and ordering fractions.

Science fair continues in our classroom! We have moved on to the next phase and have started planning the presentations of our projects. Students need a catchy name for their project. We are typing everything up, checking for spelling, and planning the design and presentation of our trifolds.

Humanities: Jan 6-10

This week in humanities, we started a campaign project. Students made groups and are creating a fictitious candidate to run for MLA, for Calgary North East. Students are responsible for researching their given political party, issues within the constituency to campaign for and an action plan for these issues. It addition, we discussed provincial elections and how they work. Further more, we practiced making inferences as a strategy to help us understand what we are reading.

Wednesday, January 8- link for science: https://howthingsfly.si.edu/activities/forces-flight

Campaign Project Rubric.doc

Welcome back and Happy New Year!

Everyone seems to have had a good, long, and restful break. Our brains are now a bit mushy, so please enjoy this slightly embarassing video about what the heck happens to my empty water bottle on board my trip back to Calgary from Toronto. Your task is to be ready to explain just what happened! Be ready to present your theory tomorrow!

Math/Sci: Dec 16-20

Students wrote their unit test in multiplying and dividing with decimals and the marked tests went home on Thursday. Parents, please take a look at these. Marks and comments are up on Power School. Students are encouraged to practice multiplication and division on Prodigy or Khan Academy over the break. We will be moving on to fractions, ratios, and percents in the new year!

In science, we continue to discuss, read about, and experiment with air and aerodynamics. This week learned about the 4 forces of flight- do you remember what they are? Completed sections of your "foldable" should now include: 1. What is Air?, 2. Bernoulli and Lift, 3. The 4 forces of flight. In the new year we will start to examine parts of an airplane!

We will continue to work on science fair in the new year, with the first work period being January 10. By now, you should be almost done all of your research, or your experiment- that should be completely done! We will start printing off our work from Google Docs to design our trifolds! Want to provide your own trifold? See this image here! ------------------->

Humanities: Dec 16-20

This week in humanities, we worked on preparing our speeches for the mock legislature. Students were part of a party wether it be the party in power or the opposition. Each class voted on potential bills to debate on. 6-3 debated on the candy cane bill and the more physical activity bill. 6-4 debated on no homework bill and free animal care. Students should be able to describe how a bill becomes a law! Hope everyone has a great winter break, see you back Jan 6th!


What We Did In Science This Week

This week in science we learned about aerodynamics, how flightworks, AOA (angle of attack), and a lot more! Today me (Mannat) and Jillian will talk about some things that we learned about AOA. You could also use this as a study guide (tee-hee!)

Now what is Airfoil? AirFoil is the structure with curved surfaces designed to give the most favourable amount of lift to drag in flight, used as the basic form of wings, fins,and horizontal stabilizer of most air-crafts.

What exactly is AOA? In aerodynamics, Angle of attack specifies the angle between the core blind of the wing of a fixed aircraft and the vector representing the motion between the aircraft and the atmosphere.

Hmm, how does AOA effect lift? The angle between the chord line and the flight direction is called the angle of attack and has a large effect on the lift generated by a wing. The nose of the airplane rises, increasing the angle of attack and producing the increased lift needed for take off.

What is a chord line?? The cord line is an imaginary line to level the airfoil out. Those were some things we learned during the duration of this week. Thank you for reading our blog!

- Mannat, Emilie, Jillian & Maya


In humanities this week we learned how to write proper paragraphs using hamburger style. You need to have lots of “juicy, meaty and lettuc-y details,” a topic sentence and a concluding sentence in order to have the most awesome paragraph. We also learned how to pass a bill. In 6-3 the bills we agreed on are the candy cane bill and the more physical activity bill, in 6-4 the bills we came up with were the no homework bill and the free animal care bill. So for our project on how to pass a bill we will be doing a mock legislature. We have one party to be apart of, X,Y or Z. X party is the party in power so they are voting for the bills to be passed. Party Y and Z are the opposition party so they are voting against the bill being past. The provincial government page was due on Monday, if you got ones you can re-submit the page by Tuesday December 17. We also continued with our reading groups.

We also started our new option, music!!!


In math this week, we (the children) learned how to add and multiply decimals with long division. We worked on a worksheet where we are detectives trying to find the ‘‘anti-hero’’ in the town of Mathhattan where there are many great superheroes. The anti-hero took the mayor in a puff of smoke, so we have to use our brilliant math skills to figure out whom it is through 5 clues. Also we did start dividing decimals near the end of the week.If you want an extra challenge try this question. Btw we do it the “old school way.”

What is 4.15 ÷ 4? How do you know? Remember our steps.

  1. How many times does 4 go into 4?
  2. Multiply the divisor and the number you just put on yht top
  3. Subtract the number you got by 4.
  4. Bring down the next number and repeat steps.

Things to remember

There is a math test sometime next week on dividing, and multiplying decimals, make sure you are prepared for the quiz, whether you study or don’t.

A few reminders for 6-3 and 6-4

We wanted to take a moment to remind kids and parents about a few important things to help make your time in our classrooms easier

  • Please come to class prepared. This means bringing pencils, erasers, and a pencil sharpener. It would be helpful and useful to add markers and pencil crayons to the mix! You can store these supplies in a pencil case that you can bring to class every day. We have already gone through hundreds of pencils and dozens of pencil sharpeners. They are there for students to use, but all of our supplies have gone missing (pencil crayons, markers, sharpeners, erasers, and many calculators), and we do not have enough to keep up for the remainder of the school year.
  • Please use the bathroom during lunch and nutrition break. That's what these breaks are for! It is distracting to your teachers when you ask to use the bathroom facilities right at the beginning of class, and you often end up missing important instructions.


Dec 6 2019

This week in math we learned decimals how to multiply decimals by decimals and to multiply decimals by whole numbers. We also did a visual journal page, in humanities, that looks like this:

Describe the structure and function of the provincial government.

o How is the provincial government structured?

o What are the responsibilities of the provincial government?

o How are representatives chosen at the provincial level?

· Describe the roles and responsibilities of individuals within provincial government.

o What are the differences between the responsibilities of a Member of the Legislative Assembly and a Cabinet Minister?

o What is the role and status of the Lieutenant Governor?

o Who are the lieutenant Governor and Premier in Alberta?

Did you know the MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) for Calgary Northeast is Rajan Sawhaney.

In science we did experiments with air and we learned that air and oxygen takes up space and that our air is made up of 20% oxygen and a lot of other gases such as: 78% nitrogen, 1% orgon and 1% trace gas.We also know that solid objects can not fly, but hollow objects can but with a hair dryer because the hollow object is already filled with air.

Visual journal pages are due Monday, Dec 9th.

Made by; Jack, Nathan, Gabe and Toby

Visual Journal Checklist

Visual Journal Page- Structure of the Provincial Government

Needs to:

· Describe the structure and function of provincial government.

o How is the provincial government structured?

o What are the responsibilities of the provincial government?

o How are representatives chosen at the provincial level?

· Describe the roles and responsibilities of individuals within provincial government.

o What are the differences between the responsibilities of a Member of the Legislative Assembly and a Cabinet Minister?

o What is the role and status of the Lieutenant Governor?

o Who are the lieutenant Governor and Premier in Alberta?

· Be creative with drawings, pictures and arrows to connect ideas.


November 29 2019

This week in math we started learning about the place value of decimals! We learned where the decimals line up in the place value chart and how to say them (Ten thousandths, Hundreths, millionths, ect.) We placed some number in a place value chart for practice. We learned how to pronounce the decimals. We learned how to write the numbers in standard form (1.036), expanded form (1+0.0+0.03+0.006) and word form (one and thirty six thousandths).

We had a challenge where this guy bought ____ amount of Reese’s Peanut butter cups. We had to figure out how many Reese’s Peanut butter cups he ate!

This Blog post was written by Keira!


November 29 2019

This week we stared Aerodynamics. We watched a Bill Nye the Science Guy video on aerodynamics and filled out a sheet while we watched it. We also did some science experiments and wrote a hypothesis, conclusions, and observations. We learned that air and oxygen take up space, and that solid objects (like us) cannot fly, but hollow objects (like ping pong balls can but with a hair dryer).

By Lacey


Nov 29 2019

This week we started provincial government, we learned and studied the “Structure of the Provincial Government.” We are doing a visual journal page on this. We’re getting marked on it. We are going to learn how bills will be passed, and what the roles are for the Cabinet Minister, Lieutenant Governor, the MLA’s, and the Premier. Next week we will go over the “Structure of Provincial Government” worksheet and continue to work on the visual journal page. We (us students) are continuing to do our reading groups. On number C for reading we have to write down ten words that we have not heard before and write down what we think it means. Then when we do, we grab a dictionary and look up what it actually means.

This blog is done by Vala

Nov 18-20: Science Update

Students have been working hard at gathering information for their science fair project. By now they should have decided on a topic and a research question. They should know whether they are doing a research project, or an experiment, and should also have a reference list started with a few sources on it. A log book should also be well underway, and due dates on our class timeline should be filled in.

By the end of the week, students should:

  • For an experiment:
    • have a hypothesis that follows the IF, THEN, BECAUSE format, that includes independent, dependent, and controlled variables
    • have a list of materials needed
    • have a detailed, step by step procedure outlining how to conduct the experiment
    • be ready to run the experiment by Friday, November 29
  • For a research project:
    • have a thesis statement which will then be proven by research
    • have a good base of preliminary research including some scientific explanations on how "things" work (whatever their question is based on), scientific concepts around the topic

Our next working day for Science Fair will be Friday, November 29. Students should be ready to run their experiment!

Humanities Update

Students finished up Local Government with a study guide and quiz. Please check power school for updated marks. Next week we will be starting Provincial Government.

Nov 12-15

Math/sci udpate:

We had a busy week! Apologies for the late post.

In math, we worked on our integers timeline assignment. MANY students have not handed this in. Parents, please check PowerSchool to confirm if your child has finished this assignment. Students, please get this in to Ms Ocampo as soon as possible.

In science, we worked on our visual journal page: "How Human Use of the Forest has Changed Over Time". Once again, MANY students did not finish this assignment. You will have to take this home for homework if it isn't done.

On Friday, we spent most of the day on an introduction to Science Fair. Grade 6's will be learning more, and working on either an experimental, or a research project having to do with our next science unit: Air and Aerodynamics. Stay tuned for more information!

Humanities update:

Local Government Quiz - Wednesday, November 20th

Students will need to know the following:

· What is local government and what are some of their responsibilities (Ex. Bylaws, services, taxes, making decisions)

· What are bylaws and why are they created?

· What are some of the services that the local government provides for us?

· Who are the elected representatives for this level of government?

· What are some different types of local government (municipalities)?

· How are different local governments structured? What are some differences between rural and urban settings?

· What is the role of school boards and trustees?

· What are some ways in which citizens can participate in local government?

Local Government Quiz - Wednesday, November 20th

Students will need to know the following:

· What is local government and what are some of their responsibilities (Ex. Bylaws, services, taxes, making decisions)

· What are bylaws and why are they created?

· What are some of the services that the local government provides for us?

· Who are the elected representatives for this level of government?

· What are some different types of local government (municipalities)?

· How are different local governments structured? What are some differences between rural and urban settings?

· What is the role of school boards and trustees?

· What are some ways in which citizens can participate in local government?

Scratch Projects for Computer Science are due the week of Nov. 18th. Students will be presenting their projects in Computer Science class.

Calgary Bylaws by Topic www.calgary.ca/CSPS/ABS/Pages/Bylaws-by-topic/Bylaws-by-topic.aspx

1) What is your bylaw? Explain it.

2) Why was your bylaw created?

3) Do you think this is a good bylaw? Why or why not?

4) Which bylaw is most important and why? Write a paragraph justifying your answer.

Nov 4-8

In humanities, we continued on with learning about the municipal government. Students should be able to describe why we have local government, the services the local government is responsible for and the elected representative titles. Our short stories, based on a municipal government service, rough copies were due this week and we were able to do a group edit on other students stories. Students then had time to type up their good copies, after making their edits. Good copies of the stories, are due on Tuesday Nov 12th.

This week in math, we practiced a little more with BEDMAS before moving on to integers. Students focussed on what exactly IS an integer? We compared and ordered the elevations of different cities and sites around the world, and next week, we will be starting a project in math to explore what we've learned about integers. In science, we are starting to wrap up our Trees and Forests unit by looking at how humans use the forest, and how this has changed over time.

This Friday, our grade 6 students participated in their first design challenge. They made a huge mess but managed to build some interesting designs in order to save their favourite grade 6 teachers (us!) from the evil Mr Barg's fortress.

Oct 28- 31

This week in humanities, we continued working on writing our short stories. These stories need to focus on a local government service no longer existing. Students rough copies are due on Tuesday, Nov 5th. We also looked at the differences in municipal government of urban vs rural areas.


Please remember to pay your $30 Outdoor School deposit by November 1. We need this in order to make the trip a reality :) Subsidies for the balance owing can be applied for after the deposit is paid. Just contact your child's classroom teacher and we can help you out!

Wondering how the heck to make a partial payment? See the step-by-step below!

This week's guest blog post by Oliver, Eshaan, Abdulla and Lucas

What The Class Did This Week…

This week at school my class we in math we got our quiz handed back there was a punching thing where we had to estimate how many punches they got in a minute. It was “Mr. Gi” and “Mr. T.” ''Mr. T” got 428 punches and “Mr Gi” got 358 punches. The day before we did Bedmas B is for brackets e is for exponents d is for division m is for multiplication, a is for addition s is for subtraction.

This week in humanities, we went through elements of a short story and started brain storming and planning a short story. The idea behind the short story is related to government in that it needs to be based off of a municipal service no longer existing. We also have been focusing in on municipal government and the services the local government is responsible for.

Oct 14-18 : Math and Science

We started off the week with a quiz on factors, multiples, prime & composite numbers. Please check Power school for marks and comments. We also took the opportunity to learn from our mistakes by going over the entire quiz. Quizzes are to be sent home, signed, and brought back. We have started investigating the Order of Operations.

In science, we finished up our "cycles project" and will be outisde examining trees, including looking at their shapes, branch patterns, leaf arrangements, and bud scars. We will attempt to classify trees based on some of these characteristics.


This week's guest blog post is written by Mackenzie in 6-3!

Hello my name Mackenzie and I am going to tell you about what we did this month/week. Let’s start with Humanities, we were learning a lot about democracy and governments, the three levels of government are Federal, Provincial and Municipal. We learned the services that each government provides for us, and we know that the Federal government is taking care of all of Canada and the leader of the federal government is called the Prime Minister, the Provincial/Territorial government takes care of each separate province, kind of like every province has their own provincial government and the leader of the government is called the Premier. Finally, the Municipal looks after towns, cities or districts and the leader is the Mayor! In science, we are learning about the Cycles and Photosynthesis, we all did a project and we made posters that had all the information. I had Audrey as a partner and we made a great team, we did the water cycle, nutrient cycle and photosynthesis. I did most of the writing and Audrey did most of the drawing. Photosynthesis is when the plant takes in water, sunlight and carbon dioxide. The plant replaces the carbon dioxide with oxygen and the sunlight and water makes sugars for the plant. The water cycle is a cycle that starts with the water in lakes, oceans and streams. That water evaporates and goes to a cloud, the cloud gets transpiration from the trees and forests. The cloud makes rain and waters all the little plants below and when the water runs off the surface back into the stream, ocean or lake then the process starts all over. The nutrient cycle is the cycle that maybe a tree is living and a deer comes over and eats the leaves /fruit and poops it out and the decomposers break it down, next the tree dies and the fungi such as mushrooms, beetles and worms and the tree gives nutrients to a new tree and the cycle starts over again.

Scratch Tutorial Logbooks for Computer Science are due on Friday, Oct. 4th for 6-3 and 6-6

Hello Parents/Guardians,

This is a friendly reminder that there is Cobs Nutrition Break next Tuesday – Oct. 22. We EXTENDED the order deadline to Friday Midnight!! We hope your child enjoys the freshly baked treat next week. (Yes – all items are baked fresh that morning at our local Cobs Bakery!!)

Thank you for participating in this fundraiser.


Fundraising Association of Nose Creek School

Car Free Day - Oct 24th

On Thursday, October 24th, the Green Team is having a car free day. We are encouraging all students to find an alternative way to school that day (walk, bike, scooter). We have also set up 6 drop zones around the community. Please use the attached map or see zones below.

Drop Zones:

1. If you choose to drop the student at one of the 6 drop zones, please note the time as the group will be leavingON TIME.

2. There will be teachers at each drop zone waiting to walk with the students. They will walk with them to school and back to the same drop zone after school.

3. Students will be responsible for finding the same teacher after school. Teachers will meet students outside at the front doors. Teachers will not be taking attendance and will be leaving to the same drop zone at3:10.

Drop Zone 1: Starbucks parking lot (130 Country Hills Rd NE

Distance to school: 1.2 km

Leaving at 7:45 (about a 20 minute walk)

Drop Zone 2: Coventry Hills Drive NE and Covehaven Link (the traffic circle west of School)

Distance to School: 550m

Leaving at 7:50 (about a 10 minute walk)

Drop Zone 3: Covemeadow Road and Covemeadow Road NE (near the small park North of school)

Distance to school: 500m

Leaving at 7:50 (less than 10 minutes)

Drop Zone 4: Covepark Drive NE and Coventry Hills Way

Distance to School: 850m

Leaving at 7:45 (15 – 20 minute walk)

Drop Zone 5: Coventry Drive Ne and Coventry Hills Way

Distance to School: 1.5 km

Leaving at 7:40 (30 minute walk)

Drop Zone 6: Coventry Way NE and Coventry View NE (first road east of Coventry Hills Blvd)

Distance to School: 1.0 km

Leaving at 7:45 (15 minute walk)

Why are we doing this? We are hoping to encourage more students to green commute to increase safety for pedestrians and drivers as well as to save energy!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Julie Rudolph at 403-817-3360 or email at jurudolph@cbe.ab.ca.

October 7-11

In math, we continue to solve problems by working with factors, multiples, and prime & composite numbers, while at the same time revisiting previous concepts such as representing numbers in standard and expanded form, and determining place value. Students will have a quiz on these concepts after returning from the Thanksgiving break!

In science, we managed to get outside and collect leaves, where we then used a classification guide to determine what type of tree our leaf may have come from. We continue to examine the water cycle, photosynthesis, and the nutrient cycle, in relation to how they benefit our forests. Many students opted to take home their Cycles project... please don't forget to bring it back!!

In humanities, we focused this week on the three levels of government. Students did some research on the levels of government, the leaders titles, elected representatives titles, and the services these levels of government provide for us. We ended the week with each group choosing a service and creating a skit to represent the service and level of government responsible. Next week, we have a quiz on Wed, Oct 16th. Students will need to review what democracy is and the pillars of democracy, rights and responsibilities and the levels of government.

Sept 30 - Oct 4

In Humanities, we have been working with democracy and the pillars of democracy (justice, equity, freedoms, and representation). Students did a comic strip focusing in on one of these pillars. We also started talking about what is a citizen and what rights and responsibilities citizens hold within a society. We ended the week with a mapping review with key components of a map and being able to use scales and directions to determine locations. The Canada map assignment is due for Monday, Oct 7 if students didn't finish in class!


It's hard to believe that September is almost over! Here's a quick recap of what we did this week.

In math, we played around with multiples, factors, and prime & composite numbers. In science, we continued our examination of trees and forests by taking a look at ecosystems, interdependence, and we classified forest creatures into producers, consumers, and decomposers.

Coming up this week we will dig deeper into factors, and MAYBE we can finally get outside to start a project on classifying leaves and the trees they grew from. So far there has been barely any leaves on the ground at school!