6-5 & 6-6

Mr. Kassem (6-5) -sskassem@cbe.ab.ca

Ms. Liznick (6-6) - liliznick@cbe.ab.ca

​School Telephone - ​(403) 817-3360

APRIL 1st to 3rd



  1. Read for a half hour
  2. Log into D2L and explore D2L a little bit: https://d2l.cbe.ab.ca/d2l/loginh/
  3. Write a paragraph about your adventures/feelings/experiences with the pandemic and social isolation. Also, write one sentence about what you read for a half hour.
  4. Follow the instructions and post your paragraph and sentence in the discussion board post for your homeroom on D2L.


1. Read

  • Find something you can read for a half hour, preferably a book, but most importantly something that interests you. Read!

2. Log into D2L

  • Log into D2L using your student number and your password (if you have any issues here send me an email: liliznick@cbe.ab.ca).
  • https://d2l.cbe.ab.ca/d2l/loginh/
  • Look around and click on things. Find and pay attention to:
    • The top right corner where you will receive notices about new posts and announcements.
    • Content, lessons and assignments are on the left hand side.
    • The discussion board can be found at the top.
  • Go to Content and find this week’s instructions/assignments

3. Write a paragraph (and a sentence)

  • What have been your experiences, feelings, adventures (?!) with this global pandemic and social distancing? I have also posted an example of my own experiences on D2L.
    • Use proper paragraph form with an introduction, conclusion and at least three key points.
    • Use descriptive language to illustrate your feelings and the details of events.
    • Pay attention to spelling and grammar
  • Write one sentence about the book (graphic novel, magazine etc.) you read for half an hour.

4. Post your paragraph and sentence on the D2L discussion board

  • Go to the humanities discussion board for your homeroom.
  • Open up the Pandemic Paragraph topic.
  • Read my example.
  • Click on the “Start a New Thread” button (it’s blue).
  • Give your thread a snappy title
  • Post your paragraph in the text box
  • Hit “Post”
  • Optional: write a note or a response on a classmate’s thread.

Ms. Liznick’s paragraph:

My first two weeks of pandemic social distancing have been a combination of unique and ordinary. I am staying at home, writing papers for my Master's, and going running, which is almost what I would have done anyway. We spontaneously decided to get a new puppy because we realized we were going to be home a lot and thought that a puppy might keep us all busy and cheerfully distracted. His name is Darwin and he is a Schnoodle (Schnauzer/Poodle cross). I will attach a picture below. What I look most forward to on a daily basis is the home cooked meals that my husband makes: food is immensely comforting. Sometimes the uncertainty causes me stress. I worry about protecting and helping my friends and family. When I feel like this I take a break and play with Darwin, go for a walk, or watch something on Netflix! I am looking forward to being back in touch with all of you. I hope as we go forward that all of this will start to feel more normal and less strange.

March 9th TO 13th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: We are beginning our Evidence & Investigation Unit with vocabulary definitions and a pre-assessment of what you might already know! In Math, we are continuing to look at multiple operations in patters and numeric relationships.

For Thursday... Below are the links you should use to explore some concepts within the Evidence & Investigation unit.




LIZNICK: This week we will be looking more closely at democracy in Ancient Athens. ***UPDATE - The Safety Expo field trip has been cancelled! Thank you to all of the volunteers who expressed interest.***

Fri. Trading Card Links:




Thurs. Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fivQUlC7-8&t=196s

Mon. Video Link: http://www.learnalberta.ca/content/aeve/movieLauncher.html?movie=smil/athenian_democracy.mov

March 2nd TO 6th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​



  • MATH UNIT TEST (Numbers) - Monday, March 2. Reviews can be found below and under "Resources"
  • AIR & FLIGHT UNITS TEST - Thursday, March 5. Reviews can be found below and under "Resources"

LIZNICK: This week we continue our new unit: Ancient Athens. We will start the week by reviewing daily life, then have an Athens workshop, create identity postcards and end the week with gods and goddesses trading cards.

6-6 will also be welcoming student teacher Ms. Pandey this week who will be teaching Humanites, Flex, and French until mid-April.

February 24th TO 28th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​



  • MATH UNIT TEST (Numbers) - Monday, March 2. Reviews can be found below and under "Resources"
  • AIR & FLIGHT UNITS TEST - Thursday, March 5. Reviews can be found below and under "Resources"
  • Parachutes Lab due, THURSDAY, Feb 27 at the END of DAY


LIZNICK: This week we are introducing our new unit: Ancient Athens. We will be looking at the different class structures that are at play in Athens, the geography involved, as well as what daily life would have looked like.

February 17th TO 21st

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: We are continuing to review the Numbers unit this week, and a unit exam covering numbers, decimals, fractions, etc., will be forthcoming on MONDAY, MARCH 2ND! Review pages for everything are below (as well as the handout from class; if you don't have the math booklet, come see me!). We are also reviewing animals in flight, and will conclude the Air & Flight units with discussions on parachutes, hot air balloons and a review of both units. An in-class experiment on testing parachutes was given out on Tuesday. PLEASE NOTE: The study guide for the Air and Flight units can be found BELOW, and the UNIT TEST will be on THURSDAY, MARCH 5TH!.

  • DRAMA 5: the link to the one-act play (The Dictionary Salesman) is below. Please complete the Theatre Review and hand in to Mr. Kassem (Class 5-5 is due Tuesday, Feb 24th; Class 5-1 is due Wednesday, Feb 25th)
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYxeIakKwdg

LIZNICK: We are writing news articles about our classmates using the 5Ws and H. Also, students are choosing their next book for their Booktalks (to be presented end of April).

Title your Google Doc: 65-ClassmateNews-YourName/66-ClassmateNews-YourName (and share with liliznick@educbe.ca)

Resources for News Articles:


Air & Aerodynamics AND Flight Units Review

February 10th TO 14th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.


Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: We are reviewing the Numbers unit this week, and a unit exam covering numbers, decimals, fractions, etc., will be forthcoming around the end of February (stay tuned!). Review pages for everything are below (as well as the handout from class; if you don't have the math booklet, come see me!). We are also reviewing animals in flight, and will conclude the Air & Flight units with discussions on parachutes, hot air balloons and a review of both units.

****UPDATE: Please make sure the Unit 2 "Show What You Know" is completed for Tuesday, Feb 18th! Feel free to work through Unit 3 and Unit 5 if you wish!

LIZNICK: We are looking at news articles and how to analyze them using the 5Ws and H. Also, students are choosing their next book for their Booktalks (to be presented in March right before the break).

Resources for News Articles/Homework:

MMS 6 - Text96-97.pdf
MMS 6 - Text208-209.pdf
MMS 6 - Text132-133.pdf

Important Outdoor School Information...

Outdoor school permission forms and payment are due FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 2020. We still have a staggering amount of payments due and would like to remind you that if you would like to apply for a subsidy, NO ONE is denied, but the forms MUST be handed in by Thursday, January 30. After this, it is too late to apply, as we must submit all applications to Camp Chief Hector upon our arrival. Please contact Ms Ocampo: ahocampo@cbe.ab.ca for subsidy forms.

We ask that you please check your balance on PowerSchool, sign the acknowledgement of risk forms, and send back with your child as soon as possible! Only 1 week till we go!

MMS 6 - Text-176-207.pdf

Fractions chapter for math review

January 27th TO 30th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: This week we will conclude our look at integers, and begin reviewing the Numbers unit in preparation for a Unit exam (stay tuned for possible dates!). We will also look at parts of an airplane, how parachutes and balloons work, and examine how animals fly.

LIZNICK: Students are continuing to work on understanding the provincial election process through their campaign project. This week students will work on the video ads for their campaign. You can find a copy of the assignment here.

Video ad examples:

Hot and Cold CubesKey.docx

January 20th TO 24th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: We will be covereing Integers in math this week, and finishing up our Science Fair projects. REMEMBER! Science Fair takes place THIS THURSDAY from 5:30 to 7:30PM! All are expected to attend! (Please be here by 5:15PM to get your spot ready!). GOOOOOOO KODIAKS!

LIZNICK: This week students are working on understanding the provincial election process through their campaign project. Your can find a copy of the assignment here.

Video resources:

For your Humanities Campaign Project:

VOTE COMPASS LINK: https://youth.votecompass.com/canada/

January 13th TO 17th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: Science lab reports on drag and 3D shapes is due on Friday at the end of the day! Also, a reminder that Science Fair is on Thursday, Jan 23rd... so use your time wisely! We are also continuing to review concepts such as basic facts, fractions and patterns in Math. Also, here is a cool site for practicing basic facts to fluency:

LIZNICK: This week students presented their book talks in class. Those not presenting listened attentively using their listening logs to document their favourite parts of each presentation and to see which books they might want to read in the future. We also began our Campaign Project: students will work in groups to create imaginary candidates to run in a provincial election.

Possible Science Fair Questions.pdf

Possible Science Fair Questions!

POP QUIZ Jan 17.pdf

Jan 17th quiz

POP QUIZ Jan 16.pdf
POP QUIZ Jan 15.pdf

Here's a copy of today's quiz.. please study as there will be a similar quiz tomorrow (this time, including decimals and fractions!)

Jan 16th quiz

Jan 15th quiz

January 13th TO 17th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: Science lab reports on drag and 3D shapes is due on Friday at the end of the day! Also, a reminder that Science Fair is on Thursday, Jan 23rd... so use your time wisely! We are also continuing to review concepts such as basic facts, fractions and patterns in Math. Also, here is a cool site for practicing basic facts to fluency:

LIZNICK: This week students presented their book talks in class. Those not presenting listened attentively using their listening logs to document their favourite parts of each presentation and to see which books they might want to read in the future. We also began our Campaign Project: students will work in groups to create imaginary candidates to run in a provincial election.

QUIZ Jan 14.pdf

January 6th TO 10th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome back Nose Creek Students! We will start the week with a continuation of our graphing explorations and our science lab experiment on drag and gravity forces. We will also do a quick review of decimals, fractions and percentages, while ending the week with science fair work.

Graphing homework for Monday: please attempt at least ONE of the graphing videos. Feel free to do as many as you wish! The link is as follows: www.graphingstories.com

LIZNICK: This week we prepared for our book talks which will be presented next week (Tues-Thurs). We also discussed how the provincial election work in terms of candidates and eligible voters. Current events were also an important class discussion given the recent the events in Iran.

Book Talks Resources: Book Talks Student Booklet; Book Talks Dos and Don'ts video

*GRADE 5 DRAMA STUDENTS: Here's the link to the pantomimes we watched in class, for reference.



Aaaaand, no pantomime would be complete without Mr. Bean himself!




Science Fair Poster Boards.pptx


December 16th TO 19th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: Last week before the break! We will be doing some more science fair and experimental work in class, as well as exploring ratios and their graphical relationships.

LIZNICK: This week we will continue to look at the structure of the Provincial Government by taking a close look at the format for debate in the legislature. A mock debate will be held in class on Thurs., students will be responsible for preparing in advance.

Students should have read their book in preparation for their Book Talk presentations by the end of the winter break: these will be presented the second week of school in January.

Debate topics

6-5: Vaping should be legal but there should be restrictions vs. Vaping should be banned

6-6: Smart phones should be banned in class vs. Smart phones should be allowed in class

Book Talks Resources: Book Talks Student Booklet; Book Talks Dos and Don'ts video

December 9th TO 13th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: Students will be working on the forces of flight in class by beginning a laboratory experiment. A reading on drag forces can be found below. Links to more readings and activities can be found under the Resources page. We are continuing examining ratios and their connections to fractions, decimals and percents.

LIZNICK: At the beginning of the week we are finishing up our paragraphs from last week (see notes: Alberta Legislature Paragraphs). Next we are taking a look at how a bill becomes a law in the Provincial Government and creating a graphic organizer or flow chart to represent this information in the Visual Journals (see notes and instructions: Stages of a Bill).

There will be an open book quiz on the Stages of a Bill on Thurs. Dec. 12th, students may use the visual they created in their journal to write the test (but no other handouts)

Book Talks Resources: Book Talks Student Booklet; Book Talks Dos and Don'ts video

Drag Reading.pdf

SAMPLE Laboratory Report

Does Flavor Affect the Melting Process of Ice Cream.pdf
Cookie Ratio KEY.pptx

Grade 6 Math - Cookie ratio task KEY is below. Please go through your answers and hand back in by MONDAY, DECEMBER 9


December 2nd TO 6th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: Continuing our exploration of properties of air, Bernoulli's Principle, and the four forces of flight, students will have a chance to explore the concepts on the link found here:

We sill conclude the week with a fractions, ratios and percents quiz on Friday.

LIZNICK: This week we will continue to look at the structure of the Provincial Government while also going through the features and structure of a good paragraph. Book Talk presentations were also introduced so that students can select and read their books in preparation for their talk (these will be presented the second week of January).

Book Talks Resources: Book Talks Student Booklet; Book Talks Dos and Don'ts video

NOVEMBER 23rd TO 29th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: We are exploring the SIX properties of AIR and the FOUR forces of flight this week. We will also cover the scientific method. The Trees and Forests Error Analysis will be due on FRIDAY the 29th, and the Cookie Ratio task will be due MONDAY, Dec 2nd. We are continuing with ratios and fractions as well. Please note: resources and websites for Air and Flight can be found on the "Resources" link above.

LIZNICK: Students will present their budget proposals to the local city council. We will also begin looking at the Provincial Government.

NOVEMBER 18th TO 20th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: Student will present their Forest Issues projects this week and will have the Trees and Forests Unit Exam on Monday Nov 18th. (apologies for the earlier typo stating the 23rd...). We will also begin work on Science Fair projects as we are now into the Air, Aerodynamics and Flight units! In math, we are covering ratios, which will connect with fractions, decimals and percentages.

LIZNICK: This week students will work on a group project about how municipal governments budget. Students will also have a unit quiz on the Municipal Government on Wed. Nov. 20th

Local Government Committee Budget Project Links:

Calgary Municipal Departments: https://www.calgary.ca/cfod/finance/Pages/Action-Plan/Budget-Kit/BU/Default.aspx

Assignment details: Click here

What makes a good presentation (class brainstorm): 6-6 list Click here; 6-5 list Click here

Local Government Study Guide Questions

  • What is local government and what are some of their responsibilities (Ex. Bylaws, services, taxes, making decisions)
  • What are bylaws and why are they created?
  • What are some of the services that the local government provides for us?
  • Who are the elected representatives for this level of government?
  • What are some different types of local government (municipalities)?
  • How are different local governments structured? What are some differences between rural and urban settings?
  • What is the role of school boards and trustees?
  • What are some ways in which citizens (including those under 18) can participate in local government?

NOVEMBER 12th TO 15th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: Forest Issues Project will be due on November 12th (presentations will begin on that day as well!). In math, we continue to examine greatest common factors, and least common multiples.

LIZNICK: This week we will finish up bylaws and also look at how school boards are run. A new group project on Local Government Committee Budgets will be introduced at the end of the week. Next week there will be a quiz on the Municipal Government on Wednesday so be sure that your notes and assignments are up to date.

Bylaw activity website" https://webdocs.edmonton.ca/bylaws/makeabettercity/index.html

Current Events in Free Speech:

Chapter 5 of textbook Click here (or see below).

6-6 Computer Science: Scratch Projects for Computer Science are due the week of Nov. 18th. Students will be presenting their projects in Computer Science class.



REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: Students will find two links to the Trees and Forests Unit Exam unit review. The exam will be on Monday, November 23rd. As well, the Forest Issues Project will be due on November 12th (presentations will begin on that day as well!). In math, we are looking at greatest common factors, and will move into least common multiples this week.

LIZNICK: We will be looking at bylaws in closer detail. Students should finish the good copy of their Bylaw Flow Chart for Tuesday Nov. 12th (if it was not finished in class it is for homework).

Bylaw website for flow chart: https://www.calgary.ca/CSPS/ABS/Pages/School-and-educational-programs/Bylaw-development/How-are-bylaws-developed.aspx

Bylaw Flowchart template:

Bylaw flow chart template.docx





Please remember to pay your $30 Outdoor School deposit by November 1. We need this in order to make the trip a reality :) Subsidies for the balance owing can be applied for after the deposit is paid. Just contact your child's classroom teacher and we can help you out!

Wondering how the heck to make a partial payment? See the image below!

OCTOBER 28th TO 31st

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: Leaf and Tree classifications! Students will get experience with classification using a dichotomous key. We will also begin to explore Greatest Common Factors and Multiples

LIZNICK: This week we will be reading the short story All Summer in a Day (click link to access a copy) and analyzing some of the elements of what makes a good short story (plot, setting, sequence, details). Students need to complete Questions #4, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10 for homework for Wed. We will also be continuing to look at the Municipal government.


OCTOBER 21th TO 25th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: In Science, we will begin our final project, in which students will explore different issues and challenges with regards to Canadian Forests. How do issues like forests fires, Pine Beetles, and Climate Change either positively or negatively affect the health of the Canadian Forests and surrounding ecosystems? We will pick up on fraction and decimal coversions this week as well.

LIZNICK: This week we will be wrapping up our introduction to government and democracy. We will be comparing the services provided by the three levels of government and also following the federal election results and connecting them to our studies.

There will be a test on Thursday Oct 24th: in class students will be designing quick study stations for each other in preparation. Review for the test was handed out on Tues. and can also been found through the link: Humanities Test Review.

Homework for Mon. Oct. 28th - finish draft of your Human Rights Short Story:

•Minimum of 2 pages (Maximum of 4 pages), skipping lines, handwritten

•Inspired by your thoughts about human rights during the hot air balloon exercise

•Should have a lesson about the importance of human rights

•Pay attention to spelling, sentence structure and grammar etc.

•Add in descriptive detail to help reader visualize and feel empathy


OCTOBER 14th TO 18th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: What is a "tree cookie?" By examining this interesting topic, students will look at how to "tell the story" of the life of a tree. We will also continue reviewing basic math operations with decimals, and continue with conversions of fractions, percents and decimals.

LIZNICK: What are the different levels of government in Canada? Students will learn about this through discussion and a digital scavenger hunt. On Friday they will participate in a mock student vote for the federal election - please free feel to discuss at home the various candidates and the voting process.

Helpful Voting Links:

Our electoral system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USK3Q4rsgnw

Canada's Political Parties: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhaq5nWYUa0

Vote, even if it is the last thing you do: https://www.cp24.com/video?clipId=1805215&cache=yes%3FclipId%3D104069

OCTOBER 7th TO 11th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: We will begin the week exploring Order of Operations (BEDMAS) and continuing with decimals, fractions and percentages. In Science, we will more closely look at the parts and functions of trees and plants. The Trees and Forests cycles project will be due on Thursday, Oct 10th, while the math booklet handed out last week will be due on Tuesday, October 15th!

LIZNICK: We begin the week by looking at human rights. Then, we are looking at a few basic mapping exercises and then connecting these to the geography of Canada.

  • Humanities: Due Thursday, Mapping Exercise 2 (finish questions and colour map, see link below for assignment)

For those of you who wanted more BEDMAS practice... TRY THESE!!!!!!





REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Further information for students to use in class or at home will be posted in the subject areas. Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: Students will start the week with a Trees and Forests Check in quiz. We will then continue with exploring how water, nutrient and other cycles intertwine and work to create a sustainable ecosystem. The Cycles Poster will be due at the end of day on Thursday, October 10th. In math, we will review basic math concepts and delve into decimals and fractions.

LIZNICK: We will continue to explore the Pillars of Democracy this week and then begin to look more closely at citizens and society as they relate to government.

  • Monday, September 30th: Day 2B

SCIENCE: Trees and Forests Quiz today!

  • Tuesday, October 1st: Day 3A

  • Wednesday, October 2nd: Day 3B
HUMANITIES In your textbook (see below): Read pages 13-15. Write out and answer the following questions in your blue duotang:1.How can a person become a Canadian citizen? (hint, there are 2 ways)2.What three main things does the government do?3.Create a T-Chart for your rights and responsibilities here at school. You need ten things in each column.
  • Thursday October 3rd: Day 1A


1. Government2. Values3. Democracy4. Representative Democracy5. Society6. Citizen"Pillars of Democracy":7. Justice8. Equity9. Freedom10. Representation
*Quiz will be matching; 2 provide your own definition; and a comic to link to one of the pillars of democracy*

HUMANITIES Pillar of Democracy Comic DUE

•Pick one of the four pillars of democracy.•Design a three panel comic (in your visual journal) that helps explain the importance (and the complexities) of this pillar to our society.•Write one paragraph to explain how it relates to the pillar.
  • Friday October 4th: FLEX Day

COMPUTER SCIENCE Scratch Tutorial Logbooks are due on Friday, Oct. 4th for 6-6

Ch1 - ShapingSocietyTogether.pdf

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Further information for students to use in class or at home will be posted in the subject areas. Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Envelopes from Alberta Health Services went home last week. Please look them over and return them to your child's homeroom teacher! Thank you.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: IT'S THINK PINK WEEK! SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! SEE ABOVE! This week we will be examining the value of our trees and forests. Students have been given a visual journal project that will be due MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd. They have also been given a vocabulary list that will be due WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th. In Math, we are exploring Place Value, and will be looking at whole numbers and decmal place values.


Monday, September 16th: Day 1B

SCIENCE: Students were given a vocabulary list. They are to write difinitions (and may use pictures if helpful) in their own words. It is due in class on Sept 25th.

MATH: A place value sheet was handed out, only the FIRST page (questions 1 through 4) will be due TOMORROW.

Tuesday, September 17th: Day 2A

Wednesday, September 18th: Day 2B

Thursday September 19th: Day 3A

Friday September 20th: FLEX Day

SEPTEMBER 23rd TO 27th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Further information for students to use in class or at home will be posted in the subject areas. Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: We will look at the different cycles in our forest ecosystems, and how they contribute to the ongoing sustainability of our world. In Math, we will explore converting fractions to decimals and back again!


  • Monday, September 23rd: Day 3B

SCIENCE: Value of Forests Visual Journal project due at the end of the day!

  • Tuesday, September 24th: Day 2A

  • Wednesday, September 25th: Day 2B

SCIENCE: Trees & Forests Vocaublary list is due in class!

  • Thursday September 26th: Day 3A

  • Friday September 27th: FLEX Day

SCIENCE: Forest Cycles assignment handed out!


September 16th– 19th

Monday- 16th –“Pink Pop Day” – Bring a loonie and all proceeds go to the Run for the Cure TEAM!

Tuesday - 17th – “Dare to Wear Pink Day” Pictures of all homerooms will be posted in the front foyer. Bring a loonie in to purchase a cookie or a cupcake.

Wednesday - 18th –“Pink Dance Day” – “Pink Hair Day” Bring a toonie and all proceeds go to the Run for the Cure TEAM! Pink Hair Spray is FREE!

Thursday- 19th – “Caps for the Cure” Day Donate a loonie (get a button) for Breast Cancer and wear your hat all day.


NOVEMBER 23rd TO 29th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​

KASSEM: We are exploring the SIX properties of AIR and the FOUR forces of flight this week. We will also cover the scientific method. The Trees and Forests Error Analysis will be due on FRIDAY the 29th, and the Cookie Ratio task will be due MONDAY, Dec 2nd. We are continuing with ratios and fractions as well. Please note: resources and websites for Air and Flight can be found on the "Resources" link above.

LIZNICK: Students will present their budget proposals to the local city council. We will also begin looking at the Provincial Government.

February 24th TO 28th

REMINDERS: Please note this blog will be updated at least once a week (see below). Links to our email are on the home page and above.

Curricular Updates/Flexible Week Plans: ​



  • MATH UNIT TEST (Numbers) - Monday, March 2. Reviews can be found below and under "Resources"
  • AIR & FLIGHT UNITS TEST - Thursday, March 5. Reviews can be found below and under "Resources"
  • Parachutes Lab due, THURSDAY, Feb 27 at the END of DAY


LIZNICK: This week we are introducing our new unit: Ancient Athens. We will be looking at the different class structures that are at play in Athens, the geography involved, as well as what daily life would have looked like.