Software Development


The study is made up of six units:

Unit 1: Applied Computing

Unit 2: Applied Computing

Units 3 and 4:  Data analytics

Units 3 and 4: Software Development

NB. Students may elect to undertake one or both of these Unit 3 and 4 sequences

Unit 3:


Students respond to teacher-provided solution requirements and designs and develop a set of working modules through the use of a programming language. Students examine a range of software design tools in order to apply specific processing features of a programming language to create working modules. 

SAT: Analysis and Design

Students analyse a need or opportunity, select an appropriate development model, prepare a project plan, develop a software requirements specification and design a software solution.

Unit 4:

SAT: Development and Evaluation

In this unit students focus on how the information needs of individuals and organisations are met through the creation of software solutions. Students develop their preferred design prepared in Unit 3, into a software solution and evaluate the solution. 

Cyber Security: Software Security

Students examine the security practices of an organisation and the risks to software and data during the development and use of the software solutions. Students evaluate the current security practices and develop a risk management plan.

Unit 3 and 4 Assessment breakdown

Unit 3 and 4 School-assessed Coursework 20%

Unit 3 and 4 School Assessed Task         30%

End-of-year examination                         50%