Applied Computing


The study is made up of six units:

Unit 1: Applied Computing

Unit 2: Applied Computing

Units 3 and 4:  Data analytics

Units 3 and 4: Software Development

NB. Students may elect to undertake one or both of these Unit 3 and 4 sequences

Unit 1:

Data Analysis and Programming 

In this unit students are introduced to the stages of the problem-solving methodology. Students focus on how data can be used within software tools such as databases and spreadsheets to create data visualisations, and the use of programming languages to develop working software solutions. In Area of Study 1, as an introduction to data analytics, students respond to a teacher-provided analysis of requirements and designs to identify and collect data in order to present their findings as data visualisations. They present work that includes database, spreadsheet and data visualisations solutions. In Area of Study 2 students select and use a programming language to create a working software solution. Students prepare, document and monitor project plans and engage in all stages of the problem-solving methodology.

Unit 2:

Innovative solution and Network Securit

In this unit students focus on developing innovative solutions to needs or opportunities that they have identified, and propose strategies for reducing security risks to data and information in a networked environment. In Area of Study 1 students work collaboratively and select a topic for further study to create an innovative solution in an area of interest. The innovative solution can be presented as a proof of concept, a prototype or a product. Students engage in all areas of the problem-solving methodology. In Area of Study 2, as an introduction to cybersecurity, students investigate networks and the threats, vulnerabilities and risks to data and information. They propose strategies to protect the data accessed using a network.