Data Analytics


The study is made up of six units:

Unit 1: Applied Computing

Unit 2: Applied Computing

Units 3 and 4:  Data analytics

Units 3 and 4: Software Development

NB. Students may elect to undertake one or both of these Unit 3 and 4 sequences

Unit 3:

Data Analytics

Students identify and extract data through the use of software tools such as database, spreadsheet and data visualisation software to create data visualisations or infographics.

Students respond to teacher-provided solution requirements and designs. Students develop data visualisations and use appropriate software tools to present findings. Appropriate software tools include database, spreadsheet and data visualisation software. 

SAT: Analysis and Design

Students propose a research question, prepare a project plan, collect and analyse data, and design infographics or dynamic data visualisations.

Unit 4:

SAT: Development and Evaluation

Students focus on determining the findings of a research question by developing infographics or dynamic data visualisations based on large complex data sets, and evaluate the solutions. 

Cyber Security: Data and Information

Students investigate security practices and strategies of an organisation. They examine the threats to data and information, evaluate security strategies and recommend improved strategies for protecting data and information.

Unit 3 and 4 Assessment breakdown

Unit 3 and 4 School-assessed Coursework 20%

Unit 3 and 4 School Assessed Task         30%

End-of-year examination                         50%