Mrs Xiaomei Lin & Mr Robin Miao

The Chinese program has been a part of Templeton Primary School’s curriculum for over 25 years, exposing students to the richness of Chinese culture. At Templeton, students not only learn basic Chinese language, but also explore the culture through various activities including music, stories, dance, and sports. Advanced students are given the opportunity to extend their Chinese studies with additional work during class.

This year is Year of the Rabbit, and this has formed a key part of the learning for term 1 across all year levels. Through classroom discussions, songs, hands-on activities and various projects, students from each year level will learn about different aspects of the lunar year. Students from Year 1 onwards will beaa introduced to the “Little White Rabbit” rhyme and many class activities will be based around this rhyme. We look forward to the below learnings for each year level.


Students will learn to trace and copy topic vocabulary in relation to the topic of greeting. Through classroom discussions, songs, hands-on activities they will learn and recognize some basic stroke order of Chinese characters. Students know how to say the simple sentences related to the topic in Chinese and practice simple greeting dialogue. · Cultural Activity – Chinese New Year Celebration.


Students will learn basic vocabulary for body parts using the rabbit as a starting point. They will also play a couple of popular traditional Chinese games to assist with their learning.


Students will be exposed to the topic of family where they will learn the relevant vocabulary associated with family and how to explain their own family dynamics.


Students will use their existing knowledge of body parts to label a picture of a rabbit and will follow sentence patterns to describe the rabbit.


Students will learn the vocabulary related to the topic of Chinese culture.  They study relevant sentence structures related to the topic. Students practice how to write and speak sentences related to the topic. • Cultural Activity – Chinese New Year Celebration.

YEARS 5 and 6

Students will continue their learning using the “Little White Rabbit” rhyme and will learn key vocabulary to describe a rabbit’s actions, habits, and diet.

Click on the image on the right to hear a Chinese idiom.