Miss Laura Horne, Mrs Amanda Gilmore & Mrs Xiaomei Lin

Welcome to the Library blog for 2024!

Students are timetabled to visit the Templeton Library once a week as part of their studies. They will complete a literacy based activity each week, as well as having the opportunity to borrow a book, or books, of their choice. 

Library Search Engine

This is a great way to see what books we have in the library and whether they are available to borrow. Students in Grades Three, Four and Five can also check a book's AR level to see if it is within their reading range.

Click the following link to search the Templeton Library: Library Search Engine 

Library Borrowing Guidelines

Book Week is Coming...

The Book Fair Was a Success!

Congratulations to the recipients of our raffle prizes and the 'Guess the Pages' competition winners!

Prep - Ashling W

Grade 1 & 2 - Ayaan B and Tarana R

Grade 3 & 4 - Novak S

Grade 5 & 6 - Anika V and Quinn O

Stay tuned for how we spend the money raised to make our Library even more spectacular!

Premiers' Reading Challenge 2024

Click the following link to log in to the Premiers' Reading Challenge PRC login.

The challenge finishes on the 6th of September. Make sure all of the books you have read are recorded before then.

Author Visits
We are so lucky to have some of the best Australian authors visit us at TPS!

Coming Soon...

Nat Amoore will be visiting the Grade 3s and 4s on June 12th, and the Grade 1 students will welcome Corrine Fenton on July 22nd.

Nat Amoore

Corinne Fenton

Term 2, 2024 - Author Visits

Prep students were visited by Jane Godwin earlier this term. She taught the students about how to write a story. Jane spoke about her book, 'Tilly', and how it was inspired by something that happened in her life when she was a child. She then read 'Bear Make Den' which was enjoyed by all students. Jane taught the students how to draw a bear, and how to make it into a character by including things that their bear liked doing, what they were scared of and what they liked to eat. We loved having you visit, Jane and can't wait to have you back!

Davina Bell visited the Grade Two students as part of the author visit program at TPS. The presentation was highly engaging and full of tips for how to write a great story. Davina read one of her first ever stories from when she was in primary school and spoke about how she could have made it better by having a more exciting start. This linked in directly with the students' understanding of sizzling starts. Davina also shared a handy trick to help come up with ideas - one hand real life, the other hand imagination, rub them together, and you get a story! We can't wait for you to visit again soon, Davina!

Grade Three students welcomed Adrian Beck to our school earlier this term. Adrian's engaging presentation had the students laughing, thinking and drawing. Students learnt a new way to come up with an idea for a story: TMM - Title first, Me, me, meeeeeeee and Mash up, which will help all students with their writing. Adrian then spoke about his inspiration behind the Furball series, and taught the students how to draw the spy cat by using simple shapes and Australian landmarks. This was such a fun activity that the students all loved. Thanks for visiting, Adrian!

Michael Wagner visited the Grade Four students and shared his love of writing with the students. His talk was funny, engaging and full of advice about writing stories. Michael spoke about some of his books and how to come up with ideas when writing stories. He encouraged the students to use the world around them and their brain, and then record their ideas in a journal so that they don't lose them. Michael patiently answered questions from the students and validated their thoughts and ideas. Thanks for visiting TPS, Michael!

Grade Five

Nova Weetman
On Monday, 29th of April, Nova Weetman came to TPS to visit the Grade 5 students. Something interesting I learnt from her was she was named after a pickle brand. I loved how she always used the character octopus before she wrote a book and how she gets her ideas from all kinds of things. I got a signed bookmark from her.
- Caleb L

Nova Weetman
On Monday 29th of April, Nova Weetman came to visit us. She said her favourite book is Sick Bay. She told us about her books and how she cam up with the idea of them. She had a lot of books! At the end, we used a diagram to make a character. I would recommend this for other schools. It was quite fun.
- Aty B

Grade Six

George Ivanoff
On Friday 19th of April, 2024, George Ivanoff came to visit Grade Six at Templeton Primary School. He introduced himself and his books. George Ivanoff is a friendly, chocolate and coffee loving person with a fear of spiders. His books include: The You Choose series, The Games Trilogy, The Survival Guides and the newly published Monster Island. Overall, he is a great and funny person.
- Leeya C

George Ivanoff
I found in the author incursion that George seems to be an interesting person. The writing process that he shared with us is really useful for editing normal pieces of writing. Also, he taught me an insightful amount of knowledge, such as how he got the ideas for his books. Amazing!
- Thu N

George Ivanoff
George is one of the most interesting authors I have seen. His books are funny and his talks are also interesting too.
- Arjun B